A modern telling of one of the most storied periods in comics! Krypton is a utopia admired across the universe for its achievements in science and culture, but its shining towers and regal people conceal a planet rotting at its core. When a catastrophic event befalls Krypton’s natural world, it points toward a mass extinction in the making. Jor-El, head of Krypton’s revered Science Council, embarks on a mission to save a world that may already have passed the point of no return. Shining new light on the famous characters of Krypton’s past-including Jor-El, General Dru-Zod, and even a young Kara Zor-El-World of Krypton combines action, more
I am guessing Zod is behind the whole thing, Kru-El the perfect fall guy. Perhaps that is why Zod killed the last assassin, eliminating the chance that the dissident would talk. I suppose we shall see. Anyways, I just loved this to bits. A great opening chapter to a story we sort of already know the ending too. Read Full Review
It's an interesting time to be a super-fan, with changes across the board and DC welcoming alternative interpretations of their character, including the excellent Supergirl mini series. All thats left is a Power Girl return and all will be right in the DCU! Whilst I wait patiently for that, World of Krypton achieves all that it sets out to do. Read Full Review
I really like Oemings' art on this book. He brings a stylized look that really adds to the regal tone and aesthetic that Vendetti is setting up. It also helps differentiate it from something that takes place on Earth. Not that stylized art can't take place on Earth, but it's just another layer that adds to the story that makes it feel unique. Also, the Kryptonian clothing on display is absolutely fire. If they weren't all about to die, I'd say that I'd like to see them strut the runway one time for the one time. Read Full Review
Robert Venditti and Michael Avon Oeming open World Of Krypton with a perfectly-paced, smartly written, and well-drawn chapter that brings us back to a world both familiar and totally alien. Read Full Review
This story seems like it's going to jump around in time, which means we'll likely see glimpses of Kara's youth mixed in. For such critical figures in Superman's history, Jor-El and especially Lara have had very few spotlight stories. This is a promising start that looks to change that. Read Full Review
Even as the politicking and intrigue heat up by the issue's end, it remains a wonder to behold Oeming's Krypton as it establishes a story any sci-fi reader might appreciate, even those who prefer capeless comics. Read Full Review
World of Krypton #1 is a good start to a series that is already wildly different from previous takes on Krypton. That said, the message is still loud and clear that a planet far more advanced than ours made the same mistakes as the world was dying around them. Read Full Review
It's the fourth or fifth time I've seen these events rewritten and recontextualized, but it's also a pretty good take, especially Oeming on art. But is it essential? Read Full Review
World of Krypton #1 has moments of quality but fails to be new Read Full Review