One former avatar wasn't enough to take down the savage champion the Green created to wipe out the last of another avatar will have to do what Alec Holland couldn't! It's time to unleash the Animal Woman!
There's a dark sense of humor and fatalism to much of the issue, but it all comes together into a surprisingly powerful emotional catharsis. There's a reason Lemire is considered one of the all-time greats, and I'm a little sad this might be his DC swan song. Read Full Review
Swamp Thing: Green Hell #3 is nonstop, relentless action that's fierce and extremely intense from start to finish. Read Full Review
Mahnke and Moll deliver some fantastic art throughout the issue. The action looks amazing. I love the mixture of action and horror elements in the visuals and there are some strong images that evoke great emotion from the reader. Read Full Review
Swamp Thing: Green Hell #3 ends the mini-series with big action, big stakes, big emotion, and a big conclusion that changes the Green and the Red as we know them. Lemire's writing is mesmerizing, and Mahnke's art is top-notch. Read Full Review
Given that fans had to wait an extended period of time between issues 1 and 2 of this series, the conclusion might not have paid off for the delay, but Swamp Thing: Green Hell will mark a thrilling and disturbing collection in Swamp Thing's lexicon to add to your library. Read Full Review