Jimmy and Jix are on the run, pursued by an intergalactic death force that wants to break up their marriage by any means necessary. If they succeed in offing Jimmy, their prince regent plans to marry Jix and unite their warring empires...but Jimmy Olsen's still busy trying to solve his own murder! (Or rather, his decoy corpse's murder.) It's a typical day for Superman's pal...
It's another wonderful installment that manages to be a cerebral delight and still offer plenty of the plain silly. Read Full Review
Such a great ending. And such great plot progression. We have three issues to resolve this plot while all the other nonsense plays out around it. I have loved Fraction's writing on Iron Fist, Iron Man, Casanova, and the X-Men. But I honestly think this is his masterpiece. This book is everything. Read Full Review
"Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen" is as quirky, fascinating, and masterfully-crafted as it has been since the first issue. Read Full Review
With only a few more issues left in this monumental and magnificent maxi-series, this issue begins to place the final puzzle pieces into place. It also reiterates that this team’s talent is unquestionable. There are some funny and bizarre scenes, some creative and unique ones, and some interesting and engrossing ones. And, this issue, maybe more than any yet, has an ending that makes the anticipation for the next installment all the greater. Now that Jimmy has gotten a clue, it’s time to see what he’ll do with it. Read Full Review
We also get to see Jimmy attend a Casino Night and he immediately comes up against Lex Luthor. It is a great last story to end on. This book is a bevy of fun. I am only sad that it is a mini-series. There is a lot of good stuff happening here. Read Full Review
With Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #9, Fraction and Lieber's Jimmy Olsen continues to be the oddest book in DC's stable " in the best way " with this issue that doubles down on the hilarious "Lil' Olsens" gag introduced last issue. Read Full Review
Overall, this issue disappointed me. I still adore this series but I hope future issues become more cohesive. Read Full Review