Outsiders story: “FEAR STATE” TIE-IN! The Fearful has turned the Outsiders against each other! Tim Drake has entered the fray to save the manipulated team, but it won’t be enough. The future of the Outsiders depends on the Signal, but he’ll need help…from the world of Future State. Signal, meet Future State Duke Thomas, and listen to every warning he has to deliver! Batwoman story: “FEAR STATE” TIE-IN! Batwoman now has the help of her sister, Beth, who is currently disguised as Red Alice to hit the underground network of villains in order to trace where the Anti-Oracle is. The only problem is, all of this is too familiar for Bmore
Batman: Urban Legends #9,like nearly every issue of the series before it, is a fantastic feature of talent that picks up the corners of the Batman universe and makes them shine. Read Full Review
Batman: Urban Legends continues to tell some of the most captivating stories in the Bat-verse, and Urban Legends #9 is no exception. Read Full Review
Overall, no real weak links as this anthology continues to deliver. Read Full Review
Definitely a heartwarming and pretty nuanced conclusion for a great tale, even with the pitfalls it necessarily needed to grapple with. I definitely would love to see more DC Comics take this route of deconstruction of and care for its mentally ill characters. Read Full Review
Batman Urban Legends #9 has two good stories, but unless you are an Azrael fan or can make something out of the Outsiders, there is an equal amount of hit and miss. I liked the art throughout and enjoyed the sisterly interactions in the Batwoman story by Alyssa Wong and the brotherly love in the Sam Johns' Tweedle Dee one. Read Full Review
The Kate/Beth Kane story is fantastic. The remaining three stories are forgettable, but at least they are all Gotham-centric. Read Full Review