The monsters residing at Wilmhurst find their secret haven's time cut short as law enforcement comes knocking at their door for a bloody showdown.
o A brand-new meta-horror story that's Cabin in the Woods meets Tucker and Dale vs. Evil.
The body count climbs significantly in this issue, as cops and killers come to blows. It's fast-paced action and gore with just enough plot to keep things building to next month's conclusion. Read Full Review
Where Monsters Lie #3 continues a series whose concept is solid to start but whose delivery is executed so well. It's comedic in every moment and takes the serial killer horror concept to extreme levels and silliness. It's a fun comic, where the chaos is part of the draw and enjoyment. Read Full Review
Where Monsters Lie #3 is over the top in the finest tradition of slasher movies. It is not for everyone, but if that is your jam, the meta take on the genre definitely has its moments. Read Full Review
It's a stumble forward as the series prepares for its finale by quickly dispatching an abundance of unnecessary elements. Read Full Review