Adrian's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: But Why Tho? Reviews: 45
9.7Avg. Review Rating

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Star Wars #11more than its predecessor. I was worried about the disjointedness in the last third of the issue and I wasn't sure how really any of the stories were going to play out. Between the Talky, Calrissian's deception, the Starlight Squadron, and Kes Dameron pulling a blaster, it was a lot. However, I am very impressed with the way that writer Soule was able to wrap everything together in a seamless manner in Star Wars #11.Panel after panel, I wasn't really sure how things were going to play out which is a testament to the writing. Couple that with the art of Lobot clearly on the verge of collapse and the overwhelming scope of the Imperial forces compared to Starlight Squadron, the tension throughout the issue is at a fever pitch.

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I am anxiously awaiting the next issue, if only to see how Scott and the art team push the boundaries of what we know about the Star Warsuniverse. If Star Wars: The High Republic #2 is any indication, this series is in for a wild ride.

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Overall, Star Wars: Darth Vader #9is a fast-paced issue compared to those preceding it. While many of the issues in this series deal with Darth Vader's difficult feelings of his past in some way, shape, or form, the Vader in Star Wars: Darth Vader #9is much more focused. Even when he is being chided by Ochi and the captain of the droids about his past, Vader remains resolute, much in the way he was initially searching for answers in the early issues of the series. The Emperor's difficult training to reinstill fear in the Dark Lord coupled with the revelation of a plot by his master that Vader is unaware of has lit a fire that won't be satisfied until he finds answers.

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I enjoyedStar Wars #10. I would be lying if I said I wasn't counting the days until the next issue. As far as setup issues go, Star Wars #10 provides a lotforward to in Star Wars #11.I only hope that writer Soule is able to continue the threads that were pulled inStar Wars #10to continue the compelling battle of wits between Commander Zahra and the Rebel leaders.

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Overall, Star Wars: The High Republic #1does exactly what one would come to expect in the first issue of a highly anticipated series. It provides a compelling cast of characters while providing excellent world-building without hammering the reader over the head with it.

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Every issue of Star Wars: Darth Vader brings me more understanding of characters and sequences of events that are decades old. It is this kind of masterful storytelling from Pak that has made the Darth Vaderseries one of my favorites of the year and has me continually waiting for the next issue.

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Overall, I enjoyed much ofStar Wars #9.I was taken aback by how fast the Commander Zahra and Leia Organa incident played out in the previous issue. I was worried that the commander's efforts might have been in vain, but it is clear that Zahra still holds some sway over the Rebel's actions moving forward. Further, the focus on the Pathfinders is a refreshing change of pace. Readers get to see the elite special forces unit in action without someone like Luke Skywalker to come to save the day like in the previous issue.

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Star Wars: Darth Vader has me counting the days until the next issue. The strands throughout the Skywalker Saga are starting to connect in Darth Vader's story before the reader's eyes and any fan of the Dark Lord needs to be experiencing it.

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Despite not being a part of the younger target audience and by no means a horror fan, I enjoy the Vader's Castle series every year. Overall,Shadow of Vader's Castle is a nice addition to the Vader's Castleseries. I was initially worried the one-shot format would take away from the secondary scary stories that are told throughout the series. However, it still works.

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Ultimately, Star Wars: Darth Vader #6 succeeds in piquing my interest in this new arc in the series. The previous five issues have seen Darth Vader absolutely run over everyone and everything in his path from a sando aqua monster to an entire faction of Amidala loyalists. By the end of Star Wars: Darth Vader #6, he is broken and completely overmatched by his master's cruelty and power. It is difficult to imagine Darth Vader struggling in any capacity, however, this team has really given the Dark Lord of the Sith an uphill battle to climb lest he incurs the wrath of Darth Sidious again. I cannot wait to see what the Emperor has in store for his mechanized apprentice in the next issue.

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The choice to have Zahra complete Tarkin's rite of passage and subsequent missions draw similarities to what Leia Organa had to endure during her challenges leading up to her Day of Demand in Leia, Princess of Alderaan...Soule has certainly set readers up for a collision course between two formidable opponents in Zahra and Leia and I can't wait to see how it plays out.

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Despite being a story in a series for a younger audience, Brokenshire brings new elements to a scene in arguably the best Star Wars movie. That is no small feat as he balances the dominating presence of Darth Vader while also giving the reader a mix of light-hearted elements.

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Dragon Ball Super Volume 10 has brought back the excitement for the Dragon Ball franchise that I wouldn't think was possible after the Universal Survival Saga.

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While the redemption of Anakin Skywalker may be controversial for the fandom, this series and Star Wars: Darth Vader #4 continues to show fans that Anakin Skywalker has always been within the Dark Lord. I am eager for the next issue in the series to see how the team adds future depth to pop culture's most well-known villains.

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Star Wars#5 gives the reader the start to a solo Luke arc that looks to pay off big in the end. Previous issues of this series were jampacked our heroes which coupled with Soule action-packed writing style left me wanting more time with each character. Star Wars#5 is certainly the change of the pace the series needed.

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Although it is only going to be four-issues, I am very excited to see how the story plays out. Deep Space Nine is without a doubt my favorite Trek so to see it come back with such vigor is very exciting. With its heavy Odo focus and the recent death of Rene Auberjonois who played the character on television, I feel like this miniseries is coming at the perfect time as an ode to Auberjonis and his contributions to the Star Trek universe.

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Dragon Ball Super Volume 9 is the first Dragon Ball manga I have picked up in awhile. Despite that, I am so glad I did. Dragon Ball Super Vol 9 injected a new sense of anticipation that I haven't felt for the franchise since the anime ended. Moro is scary and I can't wait to know more.

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Ping Pong truly transcends sports manga to give a much deeper story than anyone will expect with a story about two kids playing table tennis. After one volume,I can't say I learned too much about table tennis as much of the rules and terminology aren't really explained like in other sports manga/anime. However, I did come away with a much different perspective on failure and the differing motivations of others who are competing towards to the same goals as I am.

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In all, I am excited to see where Scott takes this story. I am a sucker for never before seenStar Warscanon. Given the art in the story and the background details, it looks to be something unique and separated from theSequel Trilogymaterial fans are being given over the last couple of months. The Grafs may be a lesser-known family in Star Wars for fans. However, the older generations of Grafs have their own accolades. This story may give Emil Graf his own piece in Star Warslore for the fans to enjoy.

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In the end, I hoping that I am wrong about the last two issues. Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins II #4still provides the art, character interactions, and dungeons and dragons elements that readers have to come to expect but the story is a bit lacking. However, with only two issues left, the story would need to pick up with some sort of action to complete with the first half of the run. I look forward to being proved wrong and seeing what is next for our heroes.

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Return to Vader's Castle does not end on the same cliffhanger thatTales from Vader's Castledoes. However, I do hope that Spooky Wars continues in 2020. There are still a lot of characters for Scott and the team at IDW Publishing to work with and even more horror stories to draw from. Even if Scott shifted the focus to heroes rather than villains, I would still be on board for another five issues. That being said, who does not want to see Scott tackle a horror story with Thrawn, Boba Fett, or even General Hux at the center?

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The main story continues to progress and readers will certain enjoy the cliffhanger Return to Vader's Castle #4.The team at IDW Publishing only have one more issue to wrap up this year's Spooky Wars. Given the tone of the rest of series, I wouldn't be surprised if the story didn't have the happiest of endings.

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Overall, I continue to enjoyReturn to Vader's Castle.The cat and mouse game with Hudd and Vane in the through-line plot is turning up and the Rebel is on the verge of escaping. However, given the threats that undoubtedly lurk in Vader's castle on Mustafar, it doesn't look good for Hudd. I am just as excited to see the next Spooky Wars, but I am just as excited to see how Hudd's story plays out in the back half of the series. With the title of the next issue,Vault of the Living Brains, I am even less optimistic about his chances.

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Tales from Vader's Castle excelled in paying homage to classic horror and Return to Vader's Castle #2continues that trend in a fantastic way. Next week can't get here soon enough!

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I very much look forward to see how writer Scott and the rest of the team can Grand Moff Tarkin even scarier than he already is inReturn to Vader's Castle #2 – The Curse of Tarkin.

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Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins II is half through its six issue run and the pace has certainly picked up. Readers are gaining more insight into Vox Machina's origins and they are becoming more of a family with each issue. Further, readers will also begin to see the groups transition away from just a band of hired hands to their chaotic/neutral good nature. With the story getting deeper and the temptations for gold growing greater, they are having to decide what they deem important. With more members to join later and they way that Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins II #3 ends, I am excited to see what the last half of the series has to offer.

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Overall, I really enjoyed Star Wars Adventures #25. The single story issues are quickly becoming my favorite in the Star Wars Adventures series. The amount of story that is able to be fleshed out is just unmatched compared to the two-story norm. I hope that Dawson continues to return to the Star Wars Adventuresseries as a writer. Her ability to convey relationships between characters is some of the best in theStar Warscanon. This story alone will bring younger readers, and even older readers not familiar with novelizations, into seeing that Star Wars is much more than what we see in the movies.

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While there isn't heavy canon information like in "Kidnapped", I was pleasantly surprised with how the story unfolds in "Win/Lose." The stories in "Tales from Wild Space" often feature lessons that are unequivocally wholesome. Writer Harris provides a slight departure from this norm. While the moral of the story remains wholesome, there are ways to interpret it as slightly selfish as well. As the Star Wars Adventuresseries is aimed at younger audiences, I really appreciate the ending not just being black and white. It shows that there is not just one way to show others the folly of their ways, and shows how to help others improve their shortcomings.

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Overall, "So Much More" is sweet and too the point. However, due to the art and showing more of Leia's childhood, I think the length was perfect. The messages are delivered well and the art is fantastic. Even if Leia doesn't remember Queen Organa's stories, I surely come away from this story with a rekindled love for Padme Amidala.

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The threat to Grog may have more to it than meets the eye and we still have yet to meet Percival de Rolo (Taliesin Jaffe). I am excited to see the group grow to its final form as this story only takes place during the second session of their home game. This means there are many things that may be new for all readers in the future. As a side note, the cast read the first three pages of this issue at before their Talks Machina live show at SDCC 2019. Really fantastic to see the crew get back into their old characters if only for a moment. You can find it here.

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If you are a fan of Critical Role and the adventures of Vox Machina, I cannot recommend the seriesenough. For those who have not yet to enter the world of Critical Role, I can see the Critical Role: Vox Machina Originsseries being a great starting point before jumping into the first campaign. The issues are short but jam-packed with everything you will need to know to grow with these characters before they hit the stream. The group is not yet complete, so there is still time for first introductions and character moments for fans old and new while they continue their mission to save Grog.

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While I may not be as satisfied with this issue as I was others, I still enjoyed it. The character interactions are still quality. The art style is still unique. The mystery is still present. I was just hoping for more. I have been on board with the writing team thus far as they really nail the lore of the Star Trek franchise. I will continue to put my faith in their ability to wrap up the series in a way that makes sense with all that we have experienced to this point. I am ready to see plans play out. I am ready to be stunned with twists and turn like I have been in previous issues. I am ready to see Q get his.

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While this issue does not provide the same kind of story with our titular heroes or provide new groundbreaking context to the Star Wars canon, I have to say that this was the story that I enjoyed more in this issue. Waterhouse provides an easily digestible story that is overlayed with a message that readers of all ages should hear. Further, Fleeces captures the emotions of Reebak in a way that made me want to reach into the pages and protect her from the tauntaun bullies. Reebak is the best girl and deserves all the love.

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The wait from issue to issue is a long one. However, issue four has made the wait more than worth it. I am excited to see what the team at IDW Publishing throws at us next. We are building to the climax of the series and I am on the edge of my captain's chair.

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Although these stories they tell may not have ramifications for anything we see on the big screen, Star Wars Adventures: Flight of the Falcon may be the first time we see Star Wars canon literally come to life atGalaxy's Edge.I for one, look forward to talking to Hondo about this adventure.

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The rest of the issue provides readers with twists that will entertain and a moral quandary for the always tactically thinking General Skywalker. However, I am more intrigued with the introduction of Kreeda. If the new wave of Star Wars canon media has proved anything, it is that we have not yet learned all there is to know about the Force.

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Finally, the cliffhanger that this issue leaves of off will undoubtedly hold me over to issue four. As a fan of Deep Space Nine,I believe that Q's next obstacle will truly be challenge for the Starfleet officers but maybe even the trio as well.

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As I mentioned in my review ofStar Wars Adventures: Issue18, I still think waiting for the larger volumes is the way to go for this series. I will admit that I enjoyed both of these stories much more than the previous issues. However, these short stories are really just appetizers that I think will be much more digestible for Star Wars fans of all facets in a bigger serving size as they typically are realized with clearer themes.

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If I am being honest, I want more. I would love to see this crossover grow into some spectacular universe where the Autobots join the Federation and the Borg and Decepticons form the scariest alliance anyone has ever seen. Alas, a crossover love can dream and with the way that issue five ends, who knows? Maybe Megatron will escape as he tends to do and seek partnerships in parts unknown. Until then I recommend taking on this miniseries and experiencing one of the most intriguing crossovers I have come across yet.

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Overall, issue two delivers what I hoped for after my issue one review: quips, callbacks, quality interactions and a compelling battle of greatest minds in Star Trek. I am really unsure of the next challenges that will face our heroes next. It is obvious that they are binding their time, waiting for an opportunity to strike back against their puppeteers. Knowing Q, that won't be so easy.

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At a $3.99 price point, I am not sure if I could recommend going out to pick this up for just half of the issue as Raiders of the Lost Gundark isn't the most riveting addition to theStar Wars canon and you don't NEED to know about Ducain. Instead, wait until IDW Publishing releases volume six of the Star Wars Adventure series in July which will contain all the issues of Flight of the Falcon.

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In all, issue one has me wanting to go back and rewatch episodes of Star Trek from all the different series to prep for the ensuing conflict. It seems like this miniseries will be an ode to long time Star Trek fans with quips, callbacks, quality interactions and a compelling battle of greatest minds in Star Trek. Setting phasers to hype for issue two.

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The issue feels like it is meant to be fun and issue four really is that pay off. Captain Kirk has his own struggles controlling the sentient Fortress Maximus. In the midst of the two titans Trypticon and Fortress Maximus dueling, we are left with panel after panel of interactions with members of opposing teams having their own battle while shooting off one liners that would make a fan of either series proud. The later part of the issue introduces new twists and turns with Deception-Klingon alliance that should keep readers interested in the series as it concludes in issue five.

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Star Wars #6 gives more and more background on Luke path to becoming a Jedi and fills the gaps left in between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi in a way that feels authentic. While much of what has transpired will never see a screen, I am glad that we as Star Wars fans have it in this medium to appreciate.

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I don't think Star Wars:Darth Vader #5is done as well as the issue that precedes, but I think that speaks more to how powerful that issue was. The fate of the Amidalans is all but written already and it's hard to have Darth Vader learn much more than he has at the end of this issue. I am interested to see where Pak takes this arc. The story around Padm seems to be wrapped up in Star Wars:Darth Vader #5. Despite being slightly let down but still entertained, I am confident in this team's ability to provide a compelling story that will add more to the ever-growing myth of Darth Vader.

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