redhood's Profile

Joined: Aug 20, 2020

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Excuse my English I am a Spanish girl. I love Red Hood's job and it's the only reason I pay $ 8. I smell like drama on the road, I don't know if there will be reconciliation and why Bruce insists that Jason is a murderer. This new DC current of anything goes, it can make things more confusing, I think it was a mistake, unless as always Bruce is an idiot and does not care that Jason did not kill Oswald.

That was sad they both want the same thing, a whole family, I think that in Bruce's hallucination he looked at his much younger children including Kate, he wishes he had chosen his son instead of the Joker, in his fantasy he wanted to be the one to kill the Joker and not Jason. Maybe before everything went wrong, and they want that part so much that Bruce tells him that life is too short for them to continue like this, separated, however he seems to be determined that the relationship is a disappointment, we separate, is what we make. auch! But the ending is happy, he returns the bat that he once ripped from him and Jason has a great capacity to forgive even if he does not seem like it, Maybe old, maybe.

Something I love about this series is that being normal is fine, you enjoy the action, and now thanks to the universe there are no issues of forced inclusion. From now on this is my favorite series.

Heroes Reborn (2021): Weapon X & Final Flight #1 Jun 16, 2021

It's not the best I've read of Red Hood, however after a long time I think it does it a little justice.

COincido con muchos, el ver a Jason tomar sus pistolas es realmente genial, se le extraña y doy gracias por que no lleva esas estupidas palancas. Por los otros bueno superboy actua como el idiota de la serie, eso es un hecho. Los otros meh sin pena ni gloria. Excelente arte.

I'm not really interested in the other stories, it wouldn't be fair to do that to Zdarsky, unfortunately DC seems the enemy of all that is good. Great drama, as many say Zdarsky does well with the heroes in red.

For a Future State book in black and white it was quite decent, this one in particular I think was the best.


BRZRKR Vol. 1 Sep 29, 2021

I had fun reading this story, I talk about Hood's, the other with a single glance I could see that it was bad, so I will focus only on Hood's. If I want to read a manga, I buy a manga, I don't go for a comic. We all know that this is to save dollars.

Sinister War (2021) #1 Jul 14, 2021
Task Force Z (2021) #9 Jul 5, 2022

it was worth every penny invested.

Excellent handling of the story, hell, Dylan has to fight with his inner demons, that was shocking adding great drama. There are many things at stake here with the symbiotes, nothing is as easy as we thought at the beginning. The fight is not over

X-Men (2019) #20 Jun 15, 2021

I like how they handle magic, things are not what they seem, I think I'll start this comic from the end to the beginning.

Gamma Flight #3 Aug 18, 2021
Geiger (2021) #3 Jun 15, 2021

Give this man a break, a nice climb of pace.

Task Force Z (2021) #5 Feb 23, 2022
Task Force Z (2021) #6 Mar 22, 2022
Thor (2020) Annual #1 Jul 23, 2021
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #72 Aug 29, 2021
Batman (2016) #113 Sep 23, 2021
Batman: Earth One #3 Jun 15, 2021

I hate U, really i do it, but Chip you kill me with this.

Darkhawk (2021) #1 Aug 29, 2021

it was a good issues.

me gusto como se manejo colocando a cada personaje para este numero, el villano aqui resulto ser no tan bueno, al igual que el arte, a la editorial le falta mucho para saber hacer un manga, eso es definitivo.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #15 Jun 24, 2021
Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #18 Sep 23, 2021
Iron Man (2020) #11 Aug 18, 2021
Moon Knight (2021) #1 Jul 22, 2021
Nocterra #5 Jul 7, 2021

Guts all over the place, not the great story but it was fun reading this first installment.

Spawn: Spawn's Universe #1 Jun 24, 2021
Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #4 Jul 14, 2021

no bad but I wait some better

Thor (2020) #16 Aug 29, 2021
Way of X (2021) #5 Aug 18, 2021

A not inconsiderable opening, although there are things that are not very reasonable such as Eric murdering Wanda, and asking in any way that she be resurrected, that does not make him a murderer. Of course, his brother lashes out at his own father, it is logical. But the end I think should not have been placed, not in this number, it takes away the mystery.

Basilisk #2 Jul 7, 2021
Batman '89 (2021) #1 Aug 10, 2021

I generally like Williamson's works, but nobody is not infallible, like everyone else. I did not do a bad job but I must admit that it was not so good.

It's Batman and to Batman happen a lot of crazy things happen to Batman. This is really weird ...

Extreme Carnage (2021): Alpha #1 Jul 7, 2021
Future State: Gotham #1 Jun 16, 2021

A very hasty conclusion, the battles were incredible, the art very good. But I think they could have gone a little deeper.

It's more of a funny story, maybe a tinge of cuteness.

Moon Knight (2021) #3 Sep 23, 2021

The narrative is disappointing, although it does not surprise me, for how DC is doing things, however I expected something better, the idea is great, the art is good and Jason is my favorite character.

Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #2 Sep 9, 2021

Хоть мне и не особо нравиться Task Force Z, я рада что в ней используются и будут использованы известные злодеи вроде Бэйна, Дэдшота и Двуликого. Это гораздо лучше, чем в Найтвинге Тейлора. Блокбастер - Кинпин для бедных, а Бессердечный вообще не впечатлил.

ahora tenemos a Dilan simbitizado tomando el manto del padre, pero se siente un crecimiento abrupto, necesitan tomar esto con calma o hacer referencias en otro comic de lo que esta pasando realmente aqui

Wolverine (2020) #13 Jun 24, 2021
Wolverine (2020) #15 Aug 29, 2021
X-Corp (2021) #2 Jun 16, 2021
X-Force (2019) #21 Jul 7, 2021
X-Men: Legends (2021) #4 Jun 24, 2021
X-Men: Onslaught Revelation (2021) #1 Sep 23, 2021

For the bland character they had presented, this was not so bad, definitely the union with Red Hood would make more sense than with Batman. Maybe Jason found his own Robin Lol

Captain Marvel (2019) #29 Jun 24, 2021
Children of the Atom (2021) #5 Jul 7, 2021

Too much information, this number can be defined as the delivery of battered women. Emma was great at concocting everything, but she doesn't cheat on Chales Xavian, and thus Emma having to break the news to Shaw about Lourdes. Please don't make Wilhemina another Emma clone !!

Moon Knight (2021) #2 Aug 18, 2021
Titans United (2021) #1 Sep 14, 2021
X-Men (2019) #21 Jun 15, 2021
Hellions (2020) #13 Jul 7, 2021
Planet-Size X-Men (2021) #1 Jun 16, 2021
Robin (2021) #5 Aug 29, 2021
Batman (2016) #125 Jul 5, 2022
Cable (2020): Reloaded #1 Aug 29, 2021
Catwoman (2018) #29 Mar 17, 2021
Fantastic Four: Life Story #2 Jun 24, 2021
Heroes Reborn (2021) #7 Jun 16, 2021

What the hell was this? Currently the writers have such a childish writing and this man only knows how to clown his characters. It is destroying a good character here, well they are destroying them all. It's funny what happens. They do very youthful writing but they started the only comic that would be viable for this type of narrative SuperSons and for what? I don't think Jason Todd is a character for this type of writing, he has a very dark past, the child of abuse, we are talking about family violence and addiction. He was brutally murdered and brought back to life to be thrown into a bloody arena. He became a selective killer and sometimes a bit insane. He's the slaughterous bat, the one who bears the burden of redemption if it is the opposite case., not the delicate and sweet pink robin. You can't give it such silly writing. I'm done with DC.

Detective Comics (2016) #1043 Sep 29, 2021

Sorry, in my perception art is the only good thing here. Messy narrative, if it weren't for the art there are many pages that invite you to fall asleep.

This writer got off to a decent start, but then her writing faded and this is horrible.

This is real? if it's because I even spent on it. Demons. phew, what does one do for their favorite comic book character? But it's terrible, I laugh, I cry all at once. there is not color! Someone kidnapped the cartoonist or has already been abducted! and they end up with a comic already published in another. LOL. Damn XD universe. it's crazy. The writing is very youthful, decent ... auch

Action Comics (2016) #1035 Sep 29, 2021
Nightwing (2016) #84 Sep 29, 2021

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