Nachtweh's Profile

Joined: Nov 05, 2015

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Overall Rating
Invincible Iron Man (2015) #3

Nov 5, 2015

I am giving this a 9 because it has the potential to become a 10. I'm really digging his new armor. Hopefully the story line wont get too weird. This so far is one of the only books i'm really into.

Klaus #1

Nov 7, 2015

It's worth reading. Has a interesting enough story. Kind of a cool twist.

Drax (2015) #1

Nov 5, 2015

Wasn't bad. But not as good as expected. VERY simple read. There is still a lot of room for improvement. Drax is a better character now then before. He seems to have more of a personality in this book.

Hercules (2015) #1

Nov 5, 2015

This series has potential. I'm not to upset with his amour up grades as long as they don't get too crazy. Hopefully the writers wont get to crazy with the story line and just keep it simple. "Fingers Crossed"

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #1

Nov 5, 2015

I was bored instantly. They have taken Spider-man way to far now. The fact that he's trying to save the whole world is just a bit silly. He is Spider-man he"s a street level superhero. At best he can be on a team of superhero's and actually contribute.

Uncanny X-Men (2013) #600

Nov 7, 2015

I couldn't finish it. It's a shame what they did to most of these characters. Hopefully this will be the end. So we can get back to a normal story line

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