RedDiamondDame's Profile

Joined: Mar 13, 2015

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Best Joker storyline ever

Full on nerdy, working girl, life of stress and excitement story telling. The geeky references are the best.

Five Ghosts #15 Mar 13, 2015

Diverse and truthful, even if that truth is something we don't like to admit: we find acceptance of ourselves in others when it shouldn't matter.

Might be the funniest issue yet. Plus great way to reveal Jughead's sexuality, that had been hinted at over the last few issues, without making it a big deal or unnatural part of his life.

Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #3 May 21, 2016
Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #4 May 21, 2016

Hands down the BEST tie in of the whole series!

Thor (2014) #6 Mar 13, 2015

This makes me want a team-up book with Archer and Faith. She teaches him the ropes of pop culture, they jointly kick butt.

One coloring mistake on Canary's hair threw me off. Otherwise it would get a 10. Good story wrap-up. Good choice in where art switch off occurred. Glad to see Ivy back in the mix w/being part of the Birds, even if only part time. Awesome setup for next issue.

This book does a great job of transitioning the traditional view of Dejah from cheesecake eyecandy damsel in distress to what she has becoming in Swords of Sorrow. Even in SoS she had her horrible royal garb that is of course her almost nude wear. Instead of just randomly throwing her in a different outfit, her new dress reflects her new status quo. The mystery surrounds Dejah's father and her own lineage. In order to keep up the mystery, there is not a lot revealed about the story. Considering that seems to be a critical lynchpin to the whole new status of the series, I am fine with that. Also, they do a great job of establishing her relationship with John Carter as a partnership; a rare thing to see in comic book marriages. Dejah breaks herself out, not relying on her husband: bonus points. Also, there is this idea implanted that Hellium in not the wonderous paradise that Dejah has always shown it to be in other series. There is a cast like society, where people are not being helped that Dejah assumed were being helped. As Dejah falls in society and must pretend to be someone else, I think this will provide a lot of opportunity for the creative team to explore themes about poverty and government's role in that system. Plus, the art is GORGEOUS! It really reminds me of someone but I don't know who... Adam Hughes? Terry Brooks? I'm not sure but it is lovely.

Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #1 May 21, 2016
Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #5 May 21, 2016

This series continues to impress. After the lightheartedness at the end of the first arc and easing into Rachel's status quo of taking "naps" (dying and reawakening after longer and longer stretches of time) things take a serious turn. This issue takes a serious turn by focusing instead on the introspective nature of death and inevitable fate. Just as the story could not get any more languishing in the morose nature of the end, Moore allows Zoe to drop a small smirk worthy comment. Then Rachel accepts her gifts to solve the puzzle laid out in the first half of the issue. While this issue could be seen as self incapsulating story, it technically touches on plot points from the previous issue. It also acts as a larger staging for what is to come in the future of the series. Beautiful and haunting, this whole series is massively impressive considering Moore takes on all tasks on drawing, writing, inking and lettering.

SPOILER WARNING- BECAUSE IT MAKES THE ISSUE: Okay, you've been warned? You're ready? First of all, with an issue that has a fill in artist, this book did an excellent job of bridging between Annie Wu's style and the guest artist. It still feels like the same book, and only on occasion can you tell someone else is in charge. While the character facial structure isn't as skillfully mastered, the art is still fun... especially if you're not keen on traditional superhero house art styles (which I'm not.) In fact it reminds me a lot of Fiffe in Copra. Now, to the best part: VIXEN IS IN THIS ISSUE! It is so exciting to see her back in action. Black Canary is imprisoned with her and it's just so exciting to see them working together, despite what the White Canary wants them to do instead. This is one of the best issues of BC in months. Like anything that Fletcher writes, there are lots of twists and turns and I think people make assumptions that stories are complicated with no pay off because it's not revealed in THAT issue where it is set up. However, this issue shows, that there is always a payoff with the previous issues set up.

D4VE (IDW) #1 Mar 13, 2015

Pretty solid. Gorgeous art. Action and intriguing mystery.

East of West #18 Mar 13, 2015

Fun, geeky, and full of easter eggs. This issue really takes the message to heart that new superheroes do not always get it right.

Gotham Academy (2014) #5 Mar 13, 2015
Ms. Marvel (2014) #13 Mar 13, 2015
Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death #2 May 21, 2016
Rachel Rising #31 Mar 13, 2015
Rachel Rising #39 Feb 12, 2016

This book is so gorgeous and mind-bending. WHY IS BOOM CANCELING THIS BOOK?! ARE THEY CRAZY?!

Gotham Academy (2014) #1 Mar 13, 2015
Gotham Academy (2014) #4 Mar 13, 2015
Ms. Marvel (2014) #12 Mar 13, 2015

Skip the first two issues. This one sums up everyth8ng and is much more interesting. Feels like a proper episode.

Silk #1 Mar 13, 2015

This book gets off on a strong foot if you are an an of deep mystery, noir or psychoanalytic themes. Clearly taking the approach of the slow burn, as many first issues do, the whole concept is establishment and setup. They mystery of the main character seeking the truth over her sister's death is the overt tale. What is layered within the story is the mystery of Alex herself. Through a few key facts Cloonan laces in this idea of an anger filled, claustrophobic ball of nerves who has been locked away on a month and a half trip to a far off moon. Even with the central mystery of how Alex's sister died, dynamics have been set for friction with many aboard. Those who come to this book looking for an obvious science fiction adventure are not going to find what they seek. Those looking for a carefully contructed puzzle will be rewarded. The backgrounds are highly detailed and give nods to a corporate culture controlled future. The facial renderings can be inconsistent, however provide lots of expression. The pallet of colors are muted and highly textured to add to the oppressive feeling of those who are downtrodden or oppressed under a system out of their control.

Written purely for fans of the series. Everyone else could enjoy it if they take the time to watch Bogus Journey, the second film. Otherwise they might just be scratching their heads wondering what is the world is going on in the book. The art is fun and fresh and makes sure that you easily recognize the characters as they were portrayed by the original actors back in '91.

It’s pretty, but noth8ng happens and not enough of a hook.

Gotham Academy (2014) #3 Mar 13, 2015

Stronger showing than the original opening issue. This issue takes the time to provide a real menace for Gwen to face: her own insecurities and the hidden goons carrying out the Kingpin's wishes. The integration and threat present within the NYPD, in the form of Frank Castle, also feels much more malevolent than in any other Spidey book. Less time is spent on the vapid Mary Jane(s) [both the band and the singular character.] The continued shining star of this series is of course Robbie's Rodriguez's art. While there are not as many city scapes or grand sweeping fight scenes, as presented in the first issue, there are still great details. The internal musings of Gwen are given a fun physical embodiment of Spider-Ham. The blatant reference to a concussion or delusional state keeps the reader from being confused about what is personal and what is happening in the real world. These are the small details that could help this book stand on its own, and not just be another Peter Parker-down on HER luck knock off.

Can we please get something original, other than BW fighting the very system she was part of once?

Gotham Academy (2014) #2 Mar 13, 2015

Culture heavy references, one hit and done punchlines, along with cheap tricks are good for a fun entertainment romp. However at the end of the day there is not much here you could easily get from a Deadpool book. This issue makes it appear that Howard's very existence is only worth how many other Marvel stars he can interact with, because he cannot carry the story in an interesting fashion on his own. His "companion" holds more charisma than he ever could. Perhaps that is on purpose. I might check this series out if I get to read a frien copy or once it shows up on Marvel Unlimited, but the well rendered art alone is just not worth the price tag. Apparently, not only does a water roll off a duck's back but deeper meaning and themes do as well.

Pretentious drivel that for some some reason I could not stop reading. The whole project is a selfishly driven introspective work of a child who is playing at being a philosopher instead of taking time to be an adult or an entertainer, his chosen profession. That being said, Kot skirts the line just close enough to science too make some of the ideas presented fascinating. If he can waste less page real estate on his inane musings that is elders solved along time ago, and spend more time on the unique scientific concepts that blur reality, this book has the potential to be truly mind blowing. Foss's art is beautiful, but will but traditional superhero comics readers off. Those who appreciate more European aesthetics will enjoy.

Homophone errors, poor structure and massive dose of cliche storytelling. Could have been better but might have just been too much first issue establishment problems happening.

This issue made no sense, given what happened (or lack of happening) in the first issue.

Gotham Academy (2014) #14 Feb 12, 2016

The art is pretty, but this series is so painful to read. It's like reading a snarky, ill willed twitter log, not a Hellcat book. I was really looking forward to this series. Instead of channeling Patsy it feels like the writer is just acting like Patsy is her, instead. Save your money, folks.

Compared to Edge of Spider-verse #2, this issue falls completely flat. The art and colors are vibrant. The fight scenes and spectacular and the troll like humor at the expensive of the vulture is chuckle worthy. The problem is the vapid Mary Janes, the over extension of the writer in attempting to represent a generation he is clearly not in tune with and an overall lack of heart in the issue. having just come back from the Spider-verse war, Gwen interacts with no one. There are no connection that help us to feel like this world is still of value. This makes the stakes for noting down the antagonist feel shallow. While this is the intent of the author, it keeps a full spirit from developing in the book. The potential ingredients for this series are in place in the issue, with none of the follow through. The promise is all for down the road, later in the arc. Fans of Spider-Gwen will continue to rave though, because a book like this deserves to be read and without over enosis tic fantasy it will be crushed under the weight of "traditional" fans feeling threatened by yet another women readers centric book.

They're Not Like Us #10 Feb 12, 2016
Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #2 Feb 12, 2016
They're Not Like Us #9 Feb 12, 2016
They're Not Like Us #8 Feb 12, 2016

First she's ready to kill him, then decides not to take the sword? She's whines and complains but does nothing to prove she knows better. This sounds like a dude who thinks he's a feminist when really he's a dude writing what he thinks will get him headlines. Total waste of my money! The art is pretty but inconsistent throughout.

Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1 Feb 12, 2016

I can’t even justify wasting time writing a full review. I cannot imagine this series being worth any point in reading after this trashfire of an issue.

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