An all-new era of GOTHAM ACADEMY begins here with the four-issue Gotham Academy Yearbook story! Its yearbook time at Gotham Academy, and Olive, Maps and the gang share some lost adventures from the past year. Some of the best writers and artists from comics and beyond join forces with the creative team behind Gotham Citys top boarding school for this very special new chapter.
A bold move for a title so young, the Gotham Academy Yearbook starts off with a bang in issue #14 and I couldn't be more pleased. Every creative team on this issue could launch an ongoing title at DC Comics " about anything " and I'd snatch it up in a second. Here's hoping this primer is just that, a way for DC to test the critical waters or get us to dip our toes into the magic that is some of these story styles. Because after reading Gotham Academy #14, I want more. Read Full Review
GOTHAM ACADEMY #14 is a smashing return to form for the series after the shaky previous issue. It kicks off the anthology-like “Yearbook” arc in a very entertaining way, and definitely leaves me wanting more. Read Full Review
I love the use of the anthology format to tell these stories in Gotham Academy #4. This was an amazing choice on DC's part and I hope that we get some more of this type of work in the future. The nature of comic anthology issues is that it gets less established artists the chance to work on a bigger book. You get different types of stories, different types of art, and with the use of an overarching story enfolding them the way, we got to see them pulled into the canon of Gotham Academy. This was a really great book and I hope that we get to see more comics following the anthology trend! Read Full Review
While the bridging stories worked for me and the first two pieces worked, the third on from Scottie dog and Kris Mukai about Professor MacPherson when she was here back in the 80's really didn't. Like, flat out just didn't connect and didn't even feel like I could engage with it. thankfully, the other stories in it worked really well for me and just tickled the right spot to make me grin and to feel more attuned to the characters and the little things that happen along the way. Whether this can work well for a four issue run remains to be seen, but I'm certainly game as there's a lot of appeal in trying to do different things and shake it up a bit. Read Full Review
Maps and Olive stand out as one of comics' best friendships. Gotham Academysets the bar for fun, mystery, and memorable characters. This issue presents four talented creative teams with funny and endearing stories. While there's no cliffhanger or obvious plot tease for next issue, Fletcher hooks us with the nonstop delight that is Maps and Olive's friendship. Read Full Review
So at the end of it all, these tales were fun. I enjoyed reading them. I would like to hope that in the next three parts of "Yearbook", we'll see a variety of tone (not necessarily "grim dark", obviously) and character. And here is hoping this arc isn't the Grand Finale to a book that doesn't deserve it. Read Full Review
While the yearbook idea seems fun, the pedestrian tales left something to be desired causing the newness to wear off quickly. Although not completely unentertaining, I'm accustomed to a little more from the title. Next month we're scheduled receive a second helping titled "yearbook part two". Hopefully, it'll pack more of a punch. Read Full Review
For the beginning of a story arc, issue 14 was quite underwhelming. For starters, the actual narrative didnt seem to bare much weight. Instead, it felt more like a Bobs Burgers comic rather than a Gotham Academy. Dont get me wrong; I very much enjoy the Bobs Burgers comics probably because I absolutely adore the show. However, I wasnt expecting that fun and animated style to invade Gotham Academy. I hope these next few issues take us somewhere. The La Pisada ending is hardly a cliffhanger although thats probably where theyre going. As of now, it seems like were almost on a hiatus with this book and, in the mean time, are releasing silly short stories, briefly satisfying our cravings with a bag of Cheetos rather than a burrito. Initially, we feel content until but a few hours later when we realize were not only still hungry but also feel disgusted, having wasted our time and calories. Read Full Review
If you've read any of my previous reviews for Gotham Academy, you know that I tend to shower it with pretty much constant praise. Having said that, I'm not going to allow my love for the series to blind me to what is most clearly a sub par chapter. I really wish I could tell you that this was awesome, but then I would be lying to you and myself, and I'm not going to do that. Providing a blurb as to why I thought the book wasn't all that good isn't really that easy when you consider that 7 different writers and artists contributed to the content. It's not as simple as blaming one aspect or individual, when many disparate elements contributed to the books downfall. Don't get me wrong. It's not that there isn't good writing and art in the book, but when you take everything into consideration, there is a lot of less than stellar stuff included that contributes to a pretty rough read. Read Full Review