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Joined: Jul 28, 2021 About Me: Another nerd wanting to share his thoughts on the books he reads. Love marvel, dc, boom studios, image, vertigo, etc.

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BigCliff reviewed Blue Beetle #2 Sep 26, 2022

OK! Now I'm fully on board for Jamie's story moving board. The cliff hanger ending of this issue provides, not only a WTF moment, but some clarity to what's been happening so far. the issue does enough leg work that we can ascertain, moving forward, majority of this 12 issue run will focus on both past & present events? maybe some of these events will tie in together? we'll see. But a solid issue. more

Blue Beetle #2

By: Keith Giffen, Cully Hamner
Released: Apr 26, 2006

The new Beetle had enough to deal with in the increasingly strange and dangerous days following the Scarab's appearance. Now he's made his way home from the Infinite Crisis to discover a totally changed world!

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BigCliff reviewed Blue Beetle #1 Sep 25, 2022

pretty standard origin. introduces the usually story elements we associate with a teenager hero. Interesting family dynamic, weird powers, goofy yet fun friend trio, and more importantly the mysterious set up for the rest of the series. This is a fun issue that establishes the sort of journey Jamie Reyes will go on. His struggles, potential triumphs, and his sprawling adventure through the sci-fi more

Blue Beetle #1

By: Keith Giffen, Cully Hamner
Released: Mar 29, 2006

Tearing its way through the events of DAY OF VENGEANCE and INFINITE CRISIS, the mystical Blue Beetle scarab has chosen its new guardian. But supernatural powers can be a blessing or a curse, and when it comes to the powers of the Scarab, you don't get one without the other!

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Actually surprised by how fun & rather emotional this issue is. Mark Waid & Dan Mora continue their plunge into a very upbeat, fun & beautifully drawn series. Its funny, artfully expressive, and just a good time. But I think this issue truly shines with what subject matter is tackles. The introduction of David aka Boy Thunder, provides a unique experience that I feel we don't get to see much withi more

Batman / Superman: World's Finest #7

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Sep 21, 2022

BRAND-NEW STORY ARC! The untold story of Superman's short-lived sidekick is at last revealed, but what secret connection to one of DC's most timeless tales does this story foreshadow? Only time will tell (that's a clue, folks). The next epic arc in the World's Finest saga begins here! INTRODUCING: BOY THUNDER!

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BigCliff reviewed A.X.E.: Judgment Day #1 Jul 21, 2022

Gillan & Schiti provide dialogue & art to a very impressive first outing that's well paced, not overbearing & gives respect to the work Gillan put into Eternals & Hickman's X-men. The story unfolds in a way that isn't daunting to the reader & gives enough context of previous events that, like myself, will get you curious. Seriously! I want to go back & read Eternals just to learn more about Uranos more

A.X.E.: Judgment Day #1

By: Kieron Gillen, Valerio Schiti
Released: Jul 20, 2022

The X-Men claim they're the planets' new gods. The Eternals know that position is already filled. The Avengers are about to realize exactly how many secrets their so-called friends have kept from them. Years of tension lead to a volcanic eruption as two worlds burn. Who has leaked the X-Men's secrets to their lat...

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williamson’s writing & samprre art propels this second chapter of a surprisingly fun & intriguing story. Issue two provides a very impressive confrontation between Nightwing & Deathstroke that I hope goes down in history, as one of the best Interaction between these two. You feel the history between these characters, the anger, hatred, pain both has brought. Even more, you feel the embarrassment more

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #2

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Jul 6, 2022

THE HOUSE OF NIGHTWING BURNS! As the good people of the world mourn the loss of the Justice League, the forces of evil have seized the opportunity to wreak havoc in a world without its heroes! Leading the charge is a super-powered Slade Wilson...but this time there's something dark fueling his rage. With a massive army laying siege to Titans Tower,...

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BigCliff reviewed Black Adam #1 Jul 5, 2022

Priest constructs, what's surprisingly in continuity, a self-contain world that feels lived and rich with characters, locations & a story that could potentially set up the legacy of Black Adam. We see Teth Adam has been so accustom to life as Black Adam that his day to day activities center around political, both minor & large in scale, disputes both in Kanhdaq & international, taking the metro su more

Black Adam #1

By: Christopher Priest, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Jun 22, 2022

There is no forgiveness for Black Adam.
This is the reality Teth-Adam, immortal man of indomitable will, must face when he discovers he has been infected with an incurable plague destroying his immortality. Haunted by the specter of centuries of dark deeds, Black Adam transfers his powers to a worthy successor who will redeem Adam's legacy and...

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BigCliff reviewed Justice League of America #2 Jun 29, 2022

Brad Meltzer is becoming my favorite Justice League writer. I was brought to his existence thanks to his story "identity Crisis' and damn! that's one hell of a story. That series contains multiple WTF moments. But it also has a number of creative character highlights. And I say that because reading this second issue, Brad does all of that. Story is engaging, multiple WTF moments and interesting ch more

Justice League of America #2

By: Brad Meltzer, Ed Benes
Released: Sep 27, 2006

The selection process continues for the new Justice League team! Elsewhere, DCU heroes are targeted by a mysterious new foe, and it looks like the first casualty is going to be the newly rejuvenated Red Tornado!

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BigCliff reviewed Justice League of America #0 Jun 29, 2022

Meltzer's recap of the DC's Trinity, from the beginning of their team-ups to when this was originally released, 2006, garners a love for DC Comics' history as a whole but also for specific characters...The Trinity. The issue plays like a umpteenth anniversary video for Batman, Superman & Wonder Woman. We are exposed to their ups & downs, triumphs, & most vulnerable moments, that they were able to more

Justice League of America #0

By: Brad Meltzer, Various
Released: Jul 19, 2006

Superman. Batman. Wonder Woman. The core heroes of the DCU are back, but after the events of INFINITE CRISIS, where do they stand? A bevy of the industry's best artists, including Ed Benes, George Perez, Jim Lee, J.H. Williams, Gene Ha, Kevin Maguire, and more, take a look at the past, present, and future of the World's Greatest Super Heroes!

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BigCliff reviewed Do A Powerbomb #1 Jun 21, 2022

Johnson blew my mind with "Murder Falcon," focusing on isolation, regret, anger, love, acceptance & overcoming the toughest of obstacles, so I was elated to hear that he was doing another limited series. And boy! was I impressed. As someone who doesn't dabble in the wrestling realm, DO A POWERBOMB delivers a decent introduction into a story fueled by beautiful art, interesting family dynamic, an more

Do A Powerbomb #1

By: Daniel Warren Johnson
Released: Jun 15, 2022

The creator of MURDER FALCON and Wonder Woman: Dead Earth is launching a brand-new limited series!

Lona Steelrose wants to be a pro wrestler, but she's living under the shadow of her mother, the best to ever do it. Everything changes when a wrestling-obsessed necromancer asks her to join the grandest pro wrestling tournament of all time, ...

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BigCliff reviewed Black Panther #3 Jan 28, 2022

a solid celebratory issue.

Black Panther #3

By: John Ridley, Juann Cabal
Released: Jan 26, 2022

With assassins closing in and Wakanda's faith in him shaken, T'Challa goes to visit Storm on the newly terraformed Mars. But this will not be a happy reunion, as T'Challa has ulterior motives for his visit. And back home, Shuri discovers who is behind the attacks on Wakanda's secret agents, a revelation that will...

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BigCliff reviewed King Of Spies #1 Jan 9, 2022

Millar & Scalera's outing with a retired London Spy brings an impressive appeal to a genre that needed a little boost. Kingsman provides the young, inexperienced but hot new spy. Daniel Craig's Bond gave us an agent from to start to a questionable finish. Now "King of Spies" dives into a retired spy, on the literal last few days of his life, beginning a tour of redemption & forgiveness. Not just t more

King Of Spies #1

By: Mark Millar, Matteo Scalera
Released: Dec 1, 2021

The world's greatest secret agent has six months to live. Does he die quietly in a hospital bed, or does he make up for a lifetime of bad decisions? He's been propping up an unfair system for over forty years. Now he knows where all the bodies are buried and has nothing to lose when he turns his guns on everyone who ever made a buck creating the me...

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BigCliff reviewed DC vs. Vampires #2 Dec 27, 2021

I will always appreciate the meticulous nature some writers have when crafting a DC Elseworld story. Issue 2 gives us a better look at the key players into this upcoming War between humanity & vampires. It's focused, well-paced, & visually great. Dialogue is sharp, artwork fits & helps amplify story beats & even comedic moments. It all works well. My favorite portion of this issue is how it showca more

DC vs. Vampires #2

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Otto Schmidt
Released: Nov 24, 2021

The war for the very survival of the human race has begun! A mysterious new vampire lord has already put a plan in motion to conquer the Earth, and the first step is-destroy the Justice League! But the World’s Greatest Detective might be Earth’s last hope, and it’s time for the Bat-Family to hunt!

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BigCliff reviewed Search For Hu #1 Dec 26, 2021

Story that skips unnecessary set up & get's straight to the point. We're introduced to our main cast, the conflict & so o it's key players/cast of characters. This was a solid introduction for this story.

Search For Hu #1

By: Steve Orlando, Rubine
Released: Sep 8, 2021

Aaron Tse lives for his family, and if he's not careful, he'll die for its secrets.
When he left the military, Aaron Tse's first thought was providing for his aging parents. His parents' bar is experiencing hard times, and one night it's shot to hell, with his parents critically injured in the attack.
But this was no ordinary robbery - Aar...

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BigCliff reviewed Radiant Black #11 Dec 22, 2021

Issue 11 focuses on a brief yet impactful Radiant Black & Pink team all the while getting us readers use to having Nathan back in the story. Nathan & Marshall's friendship is reestablished & we get to see more powered individuals within the Radiant Universe/Existence. Pretty solid issue.

Radiant Black #11

By: Kyle Higgins, Marcello Costa
Released: Dec 22, 2021

Phew. Okay. Deep breaths. We made it out. Maybe, just maybe, it's finally time for Marshall to relax.
Or maybe there's a new superpowered asshole in town. And if Marshall can't handle them alone, maybe he could use some help from RADIANT PINK?

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BigCliff reviewed Nightwing #87 Dec 22, 2021

The premise of this issue is very very simple but I came for the attempt at making one continuous imagine in with that being said...they succeeded. I commend Bruno Redundo's art work & the amount of work it took him & Lucas to draw & color this issue.

Nightwing #87

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Dec 22, 2021

This special Nightwing issue is ONE CONTINUOUS IMAGE! That's right-if you placed every page next to each other, you'll have one poster image with this story! Now that billionaire Dick Grayson has publicly dedicated his funds to save Blüdhaven, he's a wanted man-and that's why he finds hired killers breaking in to steal his dog, Haley!

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Superman told Lex to "take this L" this series is a hoot.

Superman: Son of Kal-El Annual: 2021

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Dec 8, 2021

Jon Kent’s first days as Earth’s new Superman have been a trial by fire. His actions have already put those he loves in harm’s way. He has stood strong in the path of constant attacks, but the immovable object is about to meet an unstoppable force. Lex Luthor-the man, the myth, the menace-returns to Metropolis.

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BigCliff reviewed One-Star Squadron #1 Dec 14, 2021

As a first time reader of Mark Russell's & viewer of Steve Lieber's art, One-Star Squadron is the surprise hit of the month for me. Taking C, D & E list heroes into an environment where they're practically working paycheck to paycheck is BRILLIANT! They implemented the struggles of what one could say is a has-been & now has to take any job possible to either reclaim their fame or just survive. And more

One-Star Squadron #1

By: Mark Russell, Steve Lieber
Released: Dec 8, 2021

Who you gonna call? One-Star Squadron! Meet DC’s superhero team where heroism meets capitalism. This ragtag group of heroes led by Red Tornado is here to provide service with a smile. All you must do is send a request via their on-demand hero app and they’ll answer any call. Whether it’s a children’s birthday party or an alien invasion, no ...

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BigCliff reviewed Dark Knights of Steel #2 Dec 9, 2021

@nd issue continues the strides left in issue 1. Taylor is taking his time with not only setting the stage for this story, but also expanding the world & cast of characters. We introductions to a new son for Jefferson & clark's sister. She's brand new & appears to me more temperamental & "act first, think later" in her actions. Love the teases for other characters like Blu Devil, Flash, Gorilla Gr more

Dark Knights of Steel #2

By: Tom Taylor, Yasmine Putri
Released: Dec 8, 2021

An entire medieval world will be forever changed when a spaceship crash-lands from a doomed planet. Monarchs will die, kingdoms will rise, and what seemed the end of the world for many…was only the beginning! An epic high-fantasy story set in a DC Universe where nothing is what it seems… From worldwide bestselling writer Tom Taylor (DCeased, S...

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OK! The first few pages of this book definitely feels like an "all men are evil" narrative thanks to Hera's introduction to the victims of man's world & the meeting of the God's between Hera, Zeus, Ares, Aphrodite, etc, but the book begins to expand & presents a story that sets you up for an intense yet tragic origin story. This is all thanks to DeConnick's & Jimenez's collaboration both in writin more

Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons #1

By: Kelly Sue DeConnick, Phil Jimenez
Released: Dec 1, 2021

The wait is over, and the entire story of the Amazons can finally be told! Millennia ago, Queen Hera and the goddesses of the Olympian pantheon grew greatly dissatisfied with their male counterparts…and far from their sight, they put a plan into action. A new society was born, one never before seen on Earth, capable of wondrous and terrible thing...

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BigCliff reviewed Hulk #1 Nov 28, 2021

Donny Cates & Ryan Ottley, one of my favorite artists thanks to Invincible, take over after Al Ewing's "Immortal Hulk" (which I haven't read) & they managed to pull me in. Issue 1 doesn't feel like it will focus on Banner much but instead establishes Bruce Banner & the next big villain for The Avenegers & Earth & to be honest, this was truly scary. We'll clearly learn about more of Bruce's trauma more

Hulk #1

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Ottley
Released: Nov 24, 2021

IMMORTAL NO LONGER! CATES & OTTLEY DELIVER A NEW, COLOSSAL-SIZED ERA! “MAD SCIENTIST” Part 1 of 6 The uncontrollable rage of the Hulk has reached an all-new level, and nobody – including the Avengers – is prepared to handle it. But is it really the Hulk that people should be afraid of, or is there something missing to this puzzle? Join th...

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BigCliff reviewed Black Panther #1 Nov 28, 2021

Ridley brings T'challa back to earth & provides what you could say is a spy thriller? We ditch the intergalactic empire for a more streamlined &, in comparison, simplistic kind of story. And it works. The series establishes T'challa's current status in life from being a king of Wakanda, only in name, having no political power, etc. Furthermore we see that T'challa's biggest problems are one, tryin more

Black Panther #1

By: John Ridley, Juann Cabal
Released: Nov 24, 2021

NEW CREATIVE TEAM, NEW DIRECTION – “THE LONG SHADOW” STARTS HERE! Academy Award-winning writer John Ridley and Stormbreaker artist Juann Cabal launch an all-new BLACK PANTHER series with an action-packed espionage story that will upend everything in T’Challa’s life and have ramifications for the entire Marvel Universe! Secrets from T’Ch...

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BigCliff reviewed Radiant Black #9 Nov 25, 2021

I ALMOST CRIED AT THE END OF THIS ISSUE!! Higgins continues to toy with my emotions.

Radiant Black #9

By: Kyle Higgins, Marcello Costa
Released: Nov 3, 2021

Time passes. Slowly, Lockport recovers. But faced with a city that no longer wants him around and still reeling from unimaginable loss, Marshall has to ask: is it already time to leave town for good?

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BigCliff reviewed Daredevil #11 Nov 22, 2021

Matt continues to struggle with his inner demons only this time, its through the lens of Matt as a Parol Officer & not daredevil. Spiderman & Detective North's conversation was pretty interesting. Never read a spiderman who acts this way before but it's interesting. Fun issue.

Daredevil #11

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Sep 11, 2019

•  Matt struggles with his inner demons.
•  Duty and honor bound, Detective Cole North continues hunting the vigilantes of New York - his first target? SPIDER-MAN!
•  The Devil still runs the kitchen, but who - or what - are they?
Rated T+

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BigCliff reviewed Titans United #3 Nov 20, 2021

Issue 3 continues the fast paced mission the titans have been on. Half the team is on the hunt for Lady Vic while another member, Superboy, is being tortured by Blackfire, without the teams knowing. Which is unfortunate because Superboy gets put through the ringer in this issue. Then again, every issue it appears to get worse & worse for the character. I'm interested in seeing where they go with s more

Titans United #3

By: Cavan Scott, Jos Lus
Released: Nov 10, 2021

Raven, Red Hood, and Donna Troy are on the trail of coldhearted killer Lady Vic! How long before bullets start to fly? Meanwhile, Conner Kent has a close encounter with Tamaranean royalty. But with his powers lost, can he survive? And Beast Boy? All Beast Boy wants to do is enjoy his milkshake in peace!

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BigCliff reviewed Dark Ages #3 Nov 20, 2021

This series just keeps getting better & better. The one thing I enjoy about Tom Taylor is that he's able to give short, standout moments to characters who usually don't get much love. Quicksilver has such a impactful moment. Its visually impressive & drives the story forward. This issue still feels like set up but it was enjoyable.

Dark Ages #3

By: Tom Taylor, Iban Coello
Released: Nov 17, 2021

AFTER THE LIGHTS GO OUT — STRANGE THINGS LURK WITHIN THE DARKNESS! The Earth has been plunged into darkness, and Avengers and X-Men have begun vanishing in the night. They have been taken and twisted by Apocalypse to serve an evil older than the world. A group of heroes will assemble to travel across the dark planet in a desperate attempt to res...

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BigCliff reviewed Static: Season One #4 Nov 15, 2021

THIS SERIES GETS BETTER WITH EVERY ISSUE!!! PHENOMENAL. Issue four continues the balance being a superhero origin story & having social commentary. You're never given too much of one or the other. Furthermore, the story continues to improve on the Hawkins family dynamic to the point where even if they all don't agree with each other's decisions, they support them fully. There's nuance, love, under more

Static: Season One #4

By: Vita Ayala, ChrisCross
Released: Nov 10, 2021

The Dakota crackdown comes for Static’s friends! As the government cracks down on the super-powered teenage Bang Babies, Dakota’s schools are getting emptier and emptier…and with someone he loves in the sights of the roundup, Static must put his own life and family at risk to protect them!!

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BigCliff reviewed Robin & Batman #1 Nov 12, 2021

The ending of this book is what sold me on wanting to continue more of this story. Dick Grayson is my favorite comicbook character with Mr Miracle & invincible being tied for second. And I've been yearning for a recent book that involves dick as Robin, especially one that isn't technically a flashback. If you read nightwing from new 52 & upward, every story involves some flashback to his time as r more

Robin & Batman #1

By: Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen
Released: Nov 10, 2021

The legendary story of Batman and Robin has reached nearly mythic proportions: the crime-fighting Dynamic Duo, always one step ahead of the criminals they pursue and never meeting a case too big. This isn’t that story. This is the story of a young Dick Grayson, newly orphaned, struggling to find his way in a strange, difficult, dark new world…T...

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BigCliff reviewed Justice League: Last Ride #7 Nov 11, 2021

A fine but also disappointing ending to a rather fun ride. The story lacks what I think would've been a big finish or a more impactful story. This issue has more personal impact for the team but the story starts off as being a huge thing for most of earth & the "United Planets Assembly." And I wish we were able to see more of their thoughts on everything that's happening. Killowag & Jessica Cruz d more

Justice League: Last Ride #7

By: Chip Zdarsky, Miguel Mendonca
Released: Nov 10, 2021

IT’S ALL BEEN BUILDING TO THIS-past and present and future all collide here in the final issue of this monumental series. Everything connects back to J’onn’s death, Batman’s final decision, and Superman’s regret-it all has been leading to this final confrontation with Darkseid. Who lives (some do!)? Who dies (some do!)? It all culminates ...

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Did they just tease the "Empire of Shadows" as the next potential DC company event? If so, I'm kind of down.

This issue feels more useful & entertaining than anything Morrison has done with Superman & The Authority. Since this is essentially a one shot, the story doesn't waste time & gets your from story beat to story beat. Superman & Batman have their classic interactions, the Authori more

Batman / Superman: Authority Special #1

By: Phillip K. Johnson, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Nov 3, 2021

Following Mongul’s brazen attack on Earth, Superman’s world has been turned upside down: conflict between Atlantis and the surface world, the discovery of an immensely powerful new element, dead refugees with mysterious ties to Krypton, and expulsion from the Justice League! When Superman re-forms the experimental, antiestablishment Authority t...

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BigCliff reviewed Nubia & The Amazons #1 Nov 4, 2021

An issue that suffers from being literal setup. Nubia & The Amazons issue 1 gives you the broad strokes of the island & it's inhabitants. Small & quick glimpses of sections of Themyscira such as the library, well of souls, etc. You don't actually get time to know any of the characters unfortunately because the book is focused on setting you up for issue 2. My only complaint with this issue is the more

Nubia & The Amazons #1

By: Vita Ayala, Alitha Martinez
Released: Oct 20, 2021

After the thrilling events of Infinite Frontier, Nubia becomes queen of Themyscira, but the new title also brings challenges. With the unexpected arrival of new Amazons, our hero is forced to reckon with her past and forge a new path forward for her sisters. Little does she know, a great evil grows beneath the island and it's up to this former guar...

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