Sergeant Paladin's Profile

Joined: Nov 23, 2020

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Sergeant Paladin reviewed Daredevil #12 Nov 23, 2020

Surprised how much I liked this one, didn't think I'd enjoy an issue that was more jungle themed. Seeing Matt happy to stop pretending to be helpless was nice. Didn't expect Ka-Zar to be as strong as he was, or to respect Matt as much as he did to try to help him recover. Overall pretty good!

Daredevil #12

By: Stan Lee, John Romita Sr.

The Man without Fear takes on the Plunderer, infamous pirate of the high seas! But what has brought the Plunderer aboard a cruise ship? And where is he planning on taking Matt Murdock? As Daredevil, Matt saves wild man Ka-Zar from a carnivorous plant of the Savage Land!

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Sergeant Paladin reviewed Daredevil #11 Nov 23, 2020

Definitely enjoyed the writing more in this issue more than the last. A shame that Matt is "leaving". Again, not liking Foggy with his treatment of Matt.

Daredevil #11

By: Stan Lee, Bob Powell
Released: Dec 8, 1965

As Foggy Nelson gets closer to becoming the DA of New York, his old flame Deborah Harris is captured by new enemies. With Daredevil on the trail of the Animal Men, Matt Murdock may be the only one who can still save her!

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Sergeant Paladin reviewed Daredevil #10 Nov 23, 2020

For some reason, I just didn't enjoy this issue, maybe it was that it had a different writer. But it just didn't do it for me. Was surprised to see a censored curse from an issue so old.

Daredevil #10

By: Wallace Wood
Released: Oct 6, 1965

Animal-themed criminals are causing a wave of crime and it will be up to Daredevil to put an end to the madness.

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Sergeant Paladin reviewed Daredevil #9 Nov 23, 2020

Foggy doesn't really seem like a good friend getting as angry and salty as he was. Villain wasn't memorable for me. Sad about the doctor giving his life to save everyone.

Daredevil #9

By: Stan Lee, Wallace Wood
Released: Aug 4, 1965

Is there a doctor who can restore Matt Murdock's sight? Before he can even process that decision, Daredevil leaps into action to prevent an assassination.

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Sergeant Paladin reviewed Daredevil #8 Nov 23, 2020

Ehh, it was alright. Karen is being such a pain calling Matt a coward for not wanting the operation.

Daredevil #8

By: Stan Lee, Wallace Wood
Released: May 26, 1965

Daredevil in... the Stiltman Cometh!


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Sergeant Paladin reviewed Daredevil #7 Nov 23, 2020

"I shall accompany you to your court of law--but never in chains!" There wasn't anything I disliked about this issue. I was hooked the entire time, Namor was an absolute treat who had me laughing at his shenanigans and way of being. Him feeling immense respect for Matt was really nice. My favorite issue thus far.

Daredevil #7

By: Stan Lee, Wallace Wood
Released: Mar 31, 1965

Daredevil in mortal combat with the Sub-Mariner!


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Sergeant Paladin reviewed Daredevil #6 Nov 23, 2020

The Man without Fear... IN FEAR?! Really like Mr. Fear's design, it's so old school.

Daredevil #6

By: Stan Lee, Wallace Wood
Released: Jan 27, 1965

In the battle of the century, Daredevil must contend with the villainous might of Stilt Man!

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Sergeant Paladin reviewed Daredevil #5 Nov 23, 2020

Despite being humiliated a few times, it's good to see Matt doesn't get discouraged.

Daredevil #5

By: Stan Lee, Wallace Wood
Released: Nov 25, 1964

Daredevil vs. the mysterious Masked Matador! Ole, DD!

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Sergeant Paladin reviewed Daredevil #4 Nov 23, 2020

Was interested in that Purple Man isn't a fighter, so wanted to know how he'd give Matt trouble. Karen's "silly female" line had my eyes wide. Also, R.I.P. Matt's hood.

Daredevil #4

By: Stan Lee, Joe Orlando
Released: Sep 30, 1964

Killgrave, the unbelievable Purple Man with the power of people's minds is on a crime spree in New York City. Can the Man Without Fear stop him?

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Sergeant Paladin reviewed Daredevil #3 Nov 23, 2020

This one was okay, thought it was strange that Matt developed a hood for his civilian clothes.

Daredevil #3

By: Stan Lee, Joe Orlando
Released: Jul 29, 1964

Daredevil battles The Owl, the overlord of all crime in Manhattan! Matt Murdock must defeat The Owl in order to save Karen Page!

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Sergeant Paladin reviewed Daredevil #2 Nov 23, 2020

Gotta admit, this one kinda bored me. I did enjoy The Thing though, he was kinda funny.

Daredevil #2

By: Stan Lee, Joe Orlando
Released: May 27, 1964

Daredevil vs. Electro! What chance does a blind man have against the master of electricity? Plus, an appearance by the Fantastic Four's The Thing!

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Sergeant Paladin reviewed Daredevil #1 Nov 23, 2020

I got teary eyed when Matt said "Dad, wherever you are... I kinda hope you're resting easier now!"

Daredevil #1

By: Stan Lee, Bill Everett
Released: Mar 25, 1964

The origin of Daredevil, The Man Without Fear! Matt Murdock is blinded but gains super power abilities he uses to patrol Hell's Kitchen.

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Sergeant Paladin added Batman (2016) to their pull list Nov 23, 2020

Batman (2016)

"I AM GOTHAM" chapter one
No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?
CAN'T MISS: Superstar artist David Finch returns to Batman alongside writer Tom King for this five-part storyline.

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