Iron Man rockets onward to Hala… in the face of Shatterrax! When Iron Man journeys to outer space with Captain America and the Avengers, Tony Stark finds himself in an Intergalactic conflict between Earth and the Kree!
SUBTERRANEAN WARS PART 4. It’s Tony Stark vs. the Outcasts! Let’s hope the Golden Avenger makes it out in one piece.
Rogue has returned to the X-Men's base in the Australian outback after being spat out by the Siege Perilous. However, her return is met with bad news and a team in disarray. Rogue must battle the life-force of Carol Danvers after losing some of her Ms. Marvel abilities.
In the throes of World War II, Captain America finds himself allied with a mysterious clawed loner, and together they must rescue a young Natasha Romanoff! Cap, Wolverine and Black Widow team up!
A preteen Storm and Gambit agree to be partners in thievery in his home base of New Orleans. But before they can settle into a life of crime, they must face The Nanny and Orphan Maker who have been hot on their trail. Storm begins to recall her old life with the X-Men.
Storm teamed with Gambit versus the Shadow King and Nanny and the Orphan Maker! It's hard to ask more from a comic!
Introducing the X-Man known as Gambit! After attempting to steal some precious paintings, a young Storm falls into The Shadow King's trap. A mysterious and charismatic mutant thief comes to her aid while pulling the same heist. But who is this new mutant on the scene? And will Storm be able to trust him in their escape?
Storm has been converted into an amnesiac, preteen version of herself. After reverting to the thieving ways of her youth, Ororo is pursued by The Nanny and The Shadow King! Will a young Storm be able to resist the psychic possession of the mutant who haunted her past?
Forge versus Genoshan Magistrates! It's a mess of political intrigue as Forge must protect the lives of human officials and press in Genosha. Meanwhile, Val Cooper is working in D.C to strike a deal with Russian super-spy Alexi Vazhin. But what is the purpose behind this clandestine meeting?
Banshee, Jean, and Forge continue their mission in the Morlock Tunnels. Forge is having flashbacks about his service in Vietnam. All this, while trying to save Peter Nicholas and Callisto from Masque.
Banshee and Forge perform a rescue mission to save an unconscious Jean Grey in the Morlock Tunnels. After Jean is safely reunited with her teammates, she makes a shocking discovery about the remaining X-team on Muir Isle.
In a Madripoor restaurant, Wolverine, Psylocke and Jubilee are attacked by Harry Malone's Harriers, who have taken on a commission to abduct Wolverine. With their friend gone, Psylocke and Jubilee, despite their mutual dislike, figure out a plan to find and rescue Wolverine.
Dazzler battles for her life...and the rights to her feature film! It's pure Hollywood drama as Dazzler is stuck between two producers, both making offers she just can't refuse!
Colossus saves two Genoshan fugitives who have come under trouble with the law. Meanwhile, an amnesiac Dazzler pursues a movie career in Hollywood. But who really holds the strings to her future success? And what desperate measures will she take to become a bona fide star?
Wolverine has been captured by The Hand, a mysterious ninja organization that works under The Mandarin. Susceptible to Psylocke's psychic powers of possession, will Wolverine be able to escape with his mind, and body, intact?
In the service of the Hand and the Mandarin, the brain-washed Psylocke establishes herself as Lady Mandarin, reestablishing the Mandarin's control over the Hong Kong underworld.
Brain-washed X-Man Psylocke has been hired out as an assassin for The Mandarin. What follows is a nightmarish Mojoverse transformation for Psylocke. Witness the strange origin of Betsey Braddock's transformation into Japanese ninja.
Freedom Force has arrived on Muir Island and a new line-up of X-Men must subdue the incoming villains. Destiny plays a mind-game with Legion...with deadly consequence. As if Mystique and her Freedom Force weren't enough, Donald Pierce arrives with The Reavers...and the mutant-terrorists are armed to the teeth with dangerous tech.
There's a new X-team line-up! Featuring Banshee, Moira MacTaggert, Legion, Amanda Sefton and Polaris. With unique skill-sets and abilities, this new roster will be handling the many threats that endanger mutantkind, and taking some of the load off the regular X-team.
Several X-Men converge on Muir Island after strange, recent events draw them to the same place. Plus, Magneto makes a surprising announcement that affects the future of the X-team.
Lady Deathstrike is a lot of fun, and there's plenty of tension. But Jubilee's dialogue is, like, really annoying, like totally, y'know, major league the worst.
The Reavers discover Wolverine missing and go on a hunt to recover him. Young mutant Jubilee may be in over her head as she must protect her new and battered acquaintance Wolverine, as well as escape the clutches of Donald Pierce and his ilk. Pierce unleashes his cyborg hounds, placing the two mutants in even more danger.
An excellent conclusion to one of the best X-Men storylines of all time.
THE FATE OF THE PHOENIX! It's the Shi'Ar versus the X-Men in an epic duel on the blue area of the Moon! Winner decides the fate of the Dark Phoenix! Can Cyclops save his love? Or is she doomed to die at the hand of the Shi'Ar?
CHILDREN OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS! The Dark Phoenix has defeated the X-Men. Who remains with the power to oppose her? In a last ditch effort, Professor X enters the fray!
This issue is just Wow!
DARK PHOENIX! Jean Grey has become the Dark Phoenix, a corruption of the cosmic entity bonded to Jean. Now the Dark Phoenix seeks to destroy everything in its path! What can the X-Men do to defeat it? Must they kill Jean Grey?
TOO LATE, THE HEROES! Cyclops has survived! The X-Men retaliate against the Hellfire club - this time, with the power of the Phoenix on their side. But not everything is as it seems with Jean. Enter: Dark Phoenix!
Wolverine is being savagely tortured by the anti-mutant extremists known as The Reavers. In his semi-conscious state, Wolverine begins to hallucinate about the past and future for mutantkind.
Zaladane continues her path of destruction in the Savage Land. And this time, she's brought a few kidnapped X-Men with her! After drugging Havok and brainwashing Polaris' mind, Zaladane pits X-Man against X-Man with her expertise in mind-games.
Missing X-Man Polaris has sent out an S.O.S to her fellow X-Men at their Australian base. Her teammates follow her call for help only to be led into the hands of Savage Land mutates, under the rule of the Sorceress Zaladane!
Donald Pierce has assembled a group of mutant-hating baddies known as The Reavers. With his dangerous crew, Pierce has devised new strategies to terrorize mutants...and he's putting those methods in practice. Meanwhile, Longshot is having some strange dreams that lead him on a spirit journey.
The Sentinels, including Master Mold, are creating quite a few issues for the X-team. An epic battle ensues that threatens the stability of the team. It's Mutant versus Sentinel...and the outcome will surprise you.
Wow, a lot of people created accounts to give this rather dull book a 10. Jean grey is perfect and can do anything. The end. That was the book. A pass.
She is JEAN GREY. She is PHOENIX. She saves the world. She brings death. One woman, alone in space, who not only must do what no one else can: she yearns to. A desperate S.O.S. from NOVA brings the Phoenix to the edge of a black hole, where hundreds of lives hang in the balance...and whatever Jean does ...
Someone created a lot of accounts to give this comic 10 and Scarlet Witch 1. Then created more accounts to give Scarlet Witch 10 and this comic 1! The Internet sure can be a weird place.