The one and only Grant Morrison (ALL-STAR SUPERMAN) returns to Superman, joined by sensational artist Rags Morales (IDENTITY CRISIS), to bring you tales of The Man of Steel unlike any you've ever read! This extra-sized debut issue is the cornerstone of the entire DC Universe!
New ongoing series featuring POWER GIRL and HUNTRESS of Earth 2! PAUL LEVITZ teams with amazing artists GEORGE PEREZ and KEVIN MAGUIRE. Discover why these two heroes are stranded on our Earth – and what it means for the heroes of the DC Universe.
Even when Gotham City was just a one-horse town, crime was rampant and things only get worse when bounty hunter Jonah Hex comes to town. Can Amadeus Arkham, a pioneer in criminal psychology, enlist Hex's special brand of justice to help the Gotham Police Department track down a vicious serial killer? Find out in this new series from HEX writers Ju...