Koromoria's Profile

Joined: Apr 08, 2017

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Koromoria rated Hawkeye #6 May 6, 2017

Hawkeye #6

By: Kelly Thompson, Michael Walsh
Released: May 3, 2017

• An interstate missing persons case should be pretty open-and-shut for a pro detective like Jessica Jones - especially with the help of Kate Bishop, A.K.A. Hawkeye, A.K.A. L.A.'s newest P.I. extraordinaire.
•  Turns out taking a back seat isn't something Kate excels at...and it doesn't help that she's so eager to show ...

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Koromoria added Wild Storm to their pull list Apr 21, 2017

Wild Storm

A troubled woman, barred by her employer from continuing her research, walks miserably through New York City. It takes her a moment to notice that everybody else is looking up. A man has been thrown from the upper floor of the Halo skyscraper.
And that woman-Angela Spica, sick from the transhuman implants she's buried in her own body-is the on...

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Unbelievable Gwenpool #14

By: Christopher Hastings, Myisha Haynes
Released: Apr 12, 2017

• Gwen Poole is L.A.-bound - and boy, is she LOVING it!
•  The mission? Help Cecil regain some of his more human qualities.
•  Guest-starring Kate Bishop (the REAL Hawkeye), Ghost Rider and...dwarves?
Rated T+

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Koromoria added Black Cloud to their pull list Apr 10, 2017

Black Cloud

Zelda was born in a world of dreams, and hers burned bigger than anyone had ever seen.
Now she's on the run in our world, the dreams broken in her hands.
But the pieces are for sale, the rich and the powerful are buying, and suddenly her world isn't the only place Zelda's running from.
From the creators that broug...

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Koromoria added Green Arrow (2016) to their pull list Apr 10, 2017

Green Arrow (2016)

As Oliver struggles with how he can fight "the man" when his huge fortune makes him the man, he and Black Canary uncover a deadly new threat to Seattle that cuts the Archer to the bone.
THEY SAID IT: "My touchstones are [former GA writers] Dennis O'Neil and Mike Grell, while trying to make th...

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Andrrrres reviewed Hawkeye #1 Dec 23, 2016

Awesome first issue, can't wait for more!

Hawkeye #1

By: Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero
Released: Dec 14, 2016

Remember Hawkeye? No not that Hawkeye, our favorite Hawkeye, the chick who puts the hawk in Hawkeye, the butt-kicking hero who had to save the other Hawkeye's butt all the time.  Yup, you know her, it's the dazzling Kate Bishop making her solo comics debut!  Kate is heading west and returning to Los Angeles, with her bow and arr...

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Seren reviewed Hawkeye #1 Dec 26, 2016

Kelly Thompson never lets me down. Great first issue.

Hawkeye #1

By: Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero
Released: Dec 14, 2016

Remember Hawkeye? No not that Hawkeye, our favorite Hawkeye, the chick who puts the hawk in Hawkeye, the butt-kicking hero who had to save the other Hawkeye's butt all the time.  Yup, you know her, it's the dazzling Kate Bishop making her solo comics debut!  Kate is heading west and returning to Los Angeles, with her bow and arr...

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Koromoria rated Hawkeye #4 Apr 10, 2017

Hawkeye #4

By: Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero
Released: Mar 1, 2017

• Tempers have reached record highs with an unbearable hate wave spreading across L.A.
•  Hawkeye's cracked the case on who's responsible, but it's going to take more than a few arrows to get the entire city to cool down.
•  The odds maybe stacked against her, but this is where she thrives - nobody pu...

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Henry Killinger reviewed America #1 Mar 3, 2017

"What in the holy menstruation are you doing here?"


America #1

By: Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones
Released: Mar 1, 2017

At last! Everyone's favorite no-nonsense powerhouse, America Chavez, gets her own series!
Written by critically-acclaimed YA novelist Gabby Rivera (Juliet Takes A Breath) and drawn by all-star artist Joe Quinones (HOWARD THE DUCK), Marvel Comics' brand new AMERICA series shines a solo spotlight on the high-octane and hard-hitting adventures of ...

Koromoria added Sex Criminals to their pull list Apr 10, 2017

Sex Criminals

Suzie's a normal girl with an extraordinary ability: when she has sex, she stops time. One night she meets John...  who has the same gift. And so they do what any other sex-having, time-stopping, couple would do: they rob banks. In the vein of THE 40-YEAR OLD VIRGIN and BRIDESMAIDS, Image Comics invites you to ...

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Koromoria added The Dregs to their pull list Apr 10, 2017

The Dregs

A gentrified city. Its homeless population restricted to six square blocks called The Dregs. When people start disappearing, a drug-addled homeless man obsessed with detective fiction becomes addicted to solving the mystery. Equal parts Raymond Chandler and Don Quixote set in a thriving metropolis that literally cannibalizes the homeless, The Dr...

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Koromoria added Kim Reaper to their pull list Apr 10, 2017

Kim Reaper

Like most university students, Kim works a part-time job to make ends meet. UNLIKE most university students, Kim's job is pretty dang cool: she's a grim reaper, tasked with guiding souls into the afterlife. Like most university students, Becka has a super intense unrequited crush. UNLIKE most university students, Becka's crush is on a beautiful got...

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Koromoria reviewed America #2 Apr 8, 2017

America is a great hero, but i am disapointed with how they are writting her in this run.

America #2

By: Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones
Released: Apr 5, 2017

•  America Chavez's first semester of college is off to an epic start. That's right...homework on the first day! The assignment? A field trip to the frontlines of World War II!
•  Most freshman would be intimidated - but most freshman aren't dimension-hoping heroes with Captain America as t...

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Koromoria rated Hawkeye #5 Apr 8, 2017

Hawkeye #5

By: Kelly Thompson, Michael Walsh
Released: Apr 5, 2017

•  Everything is coming up Kate! She's got fancy new HAWKEYE INVESTIGATIONS window sign, a burgeoning P.I. business (albeit a temporarily unlicensed one), new friends and even some promising looking love interests on the horizon.
•  So when her mentor, Jessica Jones,...

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Koromoria added Hawkeye (2016) to their pull list Apr 8, 2017

Hawkeye (2016)

Remember Hawkeye? No not that Hawkeye, our favorite Hawkeye, the chick who puts the hawk in Hawkeye, the butt-kicking hero who had to save the other Hawkeye's butt all the time.  Yup, you know her, it's the dazzling Kate Bishop making her solo comics debut!  Kate is heading west and returning to Los Angeles, with her bow and arr...

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