IreMan's Profile

Joined: May 28, 2015

Recent Activity

IreMan added East of West to their pull list Jun 3, 2015

East of West

The things that divide us are stronger than the things that unite us. A Sci-Fi Western set in a dystopian America where all hope for the future rests in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse...who just happen to be trying to kill the President of the United States. One of the most exciting new books of the year, this is EAST OF WEST, a brand new, o...

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IreMan added The Wicked + The Divine to their pull list Jun 3, 2015

The Wicked + The Divine

Every ninety years, twelve gods incarnate as teenagers. They are loved. They are hated. In two years, they are dead. The team behind critically thermonuclear floor-fillers Young Avengers and PHONOGRAM reunite to start a new ongoing superhero fantasy with a beautiful oversized issue. Welcome to THE WICKED + THE DIVINE, where gods are the ultimate po...

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IreMan added Mythic to their pull list Jun 3, 2015


Science is a lie, an opiate for the masses. The truth is, magic makes the world go 'round. And when magic breaks, MYTHIC fixes it. Apache shaman Waterson, Greek immortal Cassandra, and cell phone salesman Nate Jayadarma are the crack field team assigned with keeping the gears of the supernatural world turnin...

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IreMan added Injection to their pull list Jun 3, 2015


Once upon a time, there were five crazy people, and they poisoned the 21st Century. Now they have to deal with the corrosion to try and save us all from a world becoming too weird to support human life.

INJECTION is the new ongoing series created by the acclaimed creative team of Moon Knight. It is science fiction, tales of horror, str...

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IreMan added Material to their pull list Jun 3, 2015


A man comes home from Guantanamo Bay, irrevocably changed. An actress receives an offer that can revive her career. A boy survives a riot and becomes embedded within a revolutionary movement. A philosopher is contacted by a being that dismantles his beliefs. Look around you. Everything is material.

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IreMan added We Can Never Go Home to their pull list May 28, 2015

We Can Never Go Home

A well worn mixtape, a stolen convertible, a duffel bag full of cash, a fully loaded .45, and super-powers. Seventeen and on the run is the only way to see America right. Teenage outcast Duncan and popular girl Madison share a secret - they can do things other people can't. But their abilities take them down a dangerous path. After a deadly acciden...

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IreMan added They're Not Like Us to their pull list May 28, 2015

They're Not Like Us

Generation after generation, it's the same old S.O.S.:
There's no hope for the future, because young people think only of themselves.
They have no respect for authority. They think they know everything. They are arrogant. They are reckless. They want to tear the world apart.
In a time full of possibilities, yet rife with disappoi...

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IreMan added The Surface to their pull list May 28, 2015

The Surface

What would happen if Moebius and District 9 had a baby? Maybe THE SURFACE!

Welcome to Africa. Ebola is no longer a problem. The West and the East are moving in-and three hacker lovers are searching Tanzania for the place that can change everything: THE SURFACE!

The first issue of a mind-bending action SF epic drawn by the esteeme...

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IreMan added Descender to their pull list May 28, 2015


One young robot’s struggle to stay alive in a universe where all androids have been outlawed and bounty hunters lurk on every planet. A rip-roaring and heart-felt cosmic odyssey that pits humanity against machine, and world against world, to create a sprawling space opera from the creators of Trillium, Sweet Tooth, and Little Gotham.

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IreMan added Invisible Republic to their pull list May 28, 2015

Invisible Republic

Breaking Bad meets Blade Runner.
Arthur McBride's planetary regime has fallen. His story is over. That is until reporter Croger Babb discovers the journal of Arthur's cousin, Maia. Inside is the violent, audacious hidden history of the legendary freedom fighter. Erased from the official record, Maia alone knows how dangerous her cousin really...

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