ZeroYearBatman's Profile

Joined: Mar 14, 2015

Recent Activity

ZeroYearBatman dropped Detective Comics (2011) from their pull list Aug 10, 2015

Detective Comics (2011)

DC's flagship title is relaunched for the first time ever, with new Batman adventures from acclaimed writer/ artist Tony S. Daniel!A killer called The Gotham Ripper is on the loose on Batman's home turf leading The Dark Knight on a deadly game of cat and mouse.

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ZeroYearBatman added Constantine: The Hellblazer to their pull list Jun 10, 2015

Constantine: The Hellblazer

The dark adventures of DC's foremost occult detective continue in an all-new series as he investigates the cruelest case he's ever come across - his own dark history!

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ZeroYearBatman added Secret Wars (2015) to their pull list Jun 5, 2015

Secret Wars (2015)


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ZeroYearBatman added Descender to their pull list May 8, 2015


One young robot’s struggle to stay alive in a universe where all androids have been outlawed and bounty hunters lurk on every planet. A rip-roaring and heart-felt cosmic odyssey that pits humanity against machine, and world against world, to create a sprawling space opera from the creators of Trillium, Sweet Tooth, and Little Gotham.

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ZeroYearBatman dropped Rat Queens from their pull list May 8, 2015

Rat Queens

Who are the Rat Queens? A pack of booze-guzzling, death-dealing battle maidens-for-hire, and they're in the business of killing all gods' creatures for profit.

It's also a darkly comedic fantasy series starring Hannah the Rockabilly Elven Mage, Violet the Hipster Dwarven Fighter, Dee the Atheist Human Cl...

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ZeroYearBatman rated Howard The Duck #2 Apr 25, 2015

Howard The Duck #2

By: Chip Zdarsky, Joe Quinones
Released: Apr 8, 2015

• Howard's first big case has taken him across the universe and landed him in the clutches of THE COLLECTOR! •  But he's not alone as the very popular ROCKET RACOON is a prisoner as well! Have you ever seen a comic book sequel to a post-credits scene in a movie?
•  Well, you will now! Join comics legend S...

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ZeroYearBatman added Ant-Man (2015) to their pull list Apr 25, 2015

Ant-Man (2015)

• Scott Lang has never exactly been the world's best super hero. Heck, most people don't even think he's been the best ANT-MAN -- and the last guy invented Ultron and joined the Masters of Evil, so that's saying something.
•  But when the SUPERIOR IRON MAN calls with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Scott's going to ge...

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ZeroYearBatman added Copperhead to their pull list Apr 23, 2015


Welcome to Copperhead, a grimy mining town on the edge of a backwater planet. Single mom Clara Bronson is the new sheriff, and on her first day she'll have to contend with a resentful deputy, a shady mining tycoon, and a family of alien hillbillies. And did we mention the massacre?

Writer JAY FAERBER and the art team of SCOTT GODLEWSKI...

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ZeroYearBatman dropped The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl from their pull list Apr 20, 2015

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

• Wolverine, Deadpool, Doctor Doom, Thanos: There's one hero that's beaten them all-and now she's got her own ongoing series! (Not that she's bragging.)
•  That's right, you asked for it, you got it, it's SQUIRREL GIRL! (She's also starting college this semester.)
•  It's the start of a brand-new seri...

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ZeroYearBatman dropped Gotham By Midnight from their pull list Apr 20, 2015

Gotham By Midnight

Strange doings are afoot in Gotham City! Look out, though Jim Corrigan is on the case in this new series by writer Ray Fawkes (CONSTANTINE, BATMAN ETERNAL) and artist Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night, Ten Grand)!

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ZeroYearBatman dropped Deadpool (2012) from their pull list Apr 20, 2015

Deadpool (2012)

Dead former United States presidents, from George Washington to Gerald Ford have been resurrected, and thatâ??s BAD. The Marvel heroes canâ??t be the ones to stop them, someone is needed with the reputation, skills and plausible deniability to take out these com-monsters in chiefs...NOW! is the time for Deadpoolâ?¦ In Wade We Trust!

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ZeroYearBatman added Gotham By Midnight to their pull list Apr 20, 2015

Gotham By Midnight

Strange doings are afoot in Gotham City! Look out, though Jim Corrigan is on the case in this new series by writer Ray Fawkes (CONSTANTINE, BATMAN ETERNAL) and artist Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night, Ten Grand)!

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ZeroYearBatman dropped Convergence from their pull list Apr 20, 2015


This is it! The entire DC Universe, from the dawn of time through The New 52, must fight to survive against a threat that bends the Multiverse to its will. Your favorite characters from every era and every forgotten series are all here! But are you going to say hello again just to say goodbye forever? The stakes have never been higher as the heroes...

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ZeroYearBatman added Lumberjanes to their pull list Apr 20, 2015


WHY WE LOVE IT: Five best friends spending the summer at Lumberjane scout camp...defeating yetis, thre-eeyed wolves, and giant falcons...what's not to love?!

WHY YOU'LL LOVE IT: It's Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Gravity Falls and features five buttkicking, rad teenager girls wailing on monsters and solving a mystery with the whole world ...

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ZeroYearBatman dropped Batman and Robin (2011) from their pull list Apr 20, 2015

Batman and Robin (2011)

Battling evil with his son, Damian, at his side, Batman now realizes that the hardest part of the job may be trying to work together! As Batman and Robin try to adjust to their new partnership, a figure emerges from Bruce Wayne's past--one not happy that Batman Incorporated is shining a light on his own shadowy war against evil.

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ZeroYearBatman added Kaijumax to their pull list Apr 9, 2015


Welcome to Kaijumax, where the worst of the worst monsters are safely locked away from the human world, whether they be villains, anti-heroes, eco-parables, or nuclear metaphors. Electrogor is ripped away from his family and struggles to determine whom to trust, which gangs to avoid, and when to take on the big man to show you aren't to be trifled ...

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ZeroYearBatman added Rocket Raccoon (2014) to their pull list Apr 4, 2015

Rocket Raccoon (2014)

As defenders of the cosmos go, Rocket Raccoon has faced his fair share of galactic battles. He's been a hero to the weak, a champion of good, a protector of the innocent, a heartthrob to the many intergalactic female species and now--a raccoon on the run?! ( I'm sorry, I'm sorry, a "formidable-and-expert-Guardian"...

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ZeroYearBatman added Silver Surfer (2014) to their pull list Apr 4, 2015

Silver Surfer (2014)

The universe is big. Bigger than you could ever imagine. And the SILVER SURFER, the lone sentinel of the skyways, is about to discover that the best way to see it... is with someone else.
Meet the Earth Girl who's challenged the Surfer to go beyond the boundaries of the known Marvel U-- into the strange, the new, and the utterly ...

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ZeroYearBatman dropped Saga from their pull list Apr 2, 2015


Y: THE LAST MAN writer BRIAN K. VAUGHAN returns to comics with red-hot artist FIONA STAPLES for an all-new ONGOING SERIES! Star Wars-style action collides with Game of Thrones-esque drama in this original sci-fi/fantasy epic for mature readers, as new parents Marko and Alana risk everything to raise their child amidst a never-ending galactic war.

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ZeroYearBatman added Convergence to their pull list Apr 1, 2015


This is it! The entire DC Universe, from the dawn of time through The New 52, must fight to survive against a threat that bends the Multiverse to its will. Your favorite characters from every era and every forgotten series are all here! But are you going to say hello again just to say goodbye forever? The stakes have never been higher as the heroes...

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ZeroYearBatman dropped Daredevil (2014) from their pull list Mar 26, 2015

Daredevil (2014)

BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT! Join Marvel's fearless hero as he begins his most awe-inspiring adventure yet in the sunny city of San Francisco! Gifted with an imperceptible radar sense and a passion for justice, blind lawyer Matt Murdock—a.k.a. DAREDEVIL—protects the Golden City's streets from all manner of evil. But big changes are in store for Mat...

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ZeroYearBatman added Wytches to their pull list Mar 25, 2015


Across the globe, century after century, men and women were burned, drowned, hanged, tortured, imprisoned, persecuted, and murdered for witchcraft. None of them were witches. They died protecting a terrible and hidden truth: witches, real witches, are out there. They are ancient, elusive, and deadly creatures that are rarely seen and even more rare...

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ZeroYearBatman added Deadpool (2012) to their pull list Mar 25, 2015

Deadpool (2012)

Dead former United States presidents, from George Washington to Gerald Ford have been resurrected, and thatâ??s BAD. The Marvel heroes canâ??t be the ones to stop them, someone is needed with the reputation, skills and plausible deniability to take out these com-monsters in chiefs...NOW! is the time for Deadpoolâ?¦ In Wade We Trust!

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ZeroYearBatman added Grayson to their pull list Mar 21, 2015


Dick Grayson. Former sidekick. Former Super Hero. Former dead man. And now...agent of Spyral?!
A thrilling new chapter of Dick Grayson's life begins in this new, ongoing series. It's a super-spy thriller that will shock you and prove one thing: You might think you know Nightwing - but you don't know Dick.

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ZeroYearBatman added Justice League (2011) to their pull list Mar 21, 2015

Justice League (2011)

Comics superstars Geoff Johns and Jim Lee make history! In a universe where super heroes are strange and new, Batman has discovered a dark evil that requires him to unite the World Greatest Heroes!

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ZeroYearBatman added Gotham By Midnight to their pull list Mar 21, 2015

Gotham By Midnight

Strange doings are afoot in Gotham City! Look out, though Jim Corrigan is on the case in this new series by writer Ray Fawkes (CONSTANTINE, BATMAN ETERNAL) and artist Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night, Ten Grand)!

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ZeroYearBatman added Gotham Academy (2014) to their pull list Mar 21, 2015

Gotham Academy (2014)

WELCOME TO GOTHAM ACADEMY! Gotham City's most prestigious prep school is a very weird place. It's got a spooky campus, oddball teachers, and rich benefactors always dropping that weirdo Bruce Wayne. But nothing is as strange is the students!
Like, what's up with Olive Silverlock? Is she crazy or what? Where did she go last summer? And...

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ZeroYearBatman added Detective Comics (2011) to their pull list Mar 21, 2015

Detective Comics (2011)

DC's flagship title is relaunched for the first time ever, with new Batman adventures from acclaimed writer/ artist Tony S. Daniel!A killer called The Gotham Ripper is on the loose on Batman's home turf leading The Dark Knight on a deadly game of cat and mouse.

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ZeroYearBatman added The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl to their pull list Mar 19, 2015

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

• Wolverine, Deadpool, Doctor Doom, Thanos: There's one hero that's beaten them all-and now she's got her own ongoing series! (Not that she's bragging.)
•  That's right, you asked for it, you got it, it's SQUIRREL GIRL! (She's also starting college this semester.)
•  It's the start of a brand-new seri...

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ZeroYearBatman added Batman / Superman (2013) to their pull list Mar 19, 2015

Batman / Superman (2013)

A new epic begins with the debut of this new, ongoing series! Dont miss the first fateful meeting of Batman and Superman in The New 52!

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