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Joined: Jul 28, 2024

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CrackerCJ rated Cyborg #10 Jun 5, 2022

Cyborg #10

By: John Semper Jr., Paul Pelletier
Released: Mar 1, 2017

"LORD OF THE RATS" part one! Cyborg's gone to ground following the crippling malfunction of his tech at the hands of the corrupted S.T.A.R. Labs. Desperate to find his prey, the techno-villain posing as Vic Stone's father conspires with the Lord of Rats, a Detroit crime lord who agrees to hunt down Cyborg in exchange for OTAC transforming his roden...

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CrackerCJ rated Cyborg #11 Jun 5, 2022

Cyborg #11

By: John Semper Jr., Will Conrad
Released: Apr 5, 2017

Severely damaged and on the run, Cyborg struggles to find his father as the Rat Lord engulfs Detroit with his army of rodents! But when the Rat Lord oversteps his boundaries, it causes a turf war within the criminal underworld. Introducing 8-BIT, who has the power to delete anything in his path-and he's looking forward to reuniting with Vic Stone!<...

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CrackerCJ rated Superman #20 Jun 13, 2022

Superman #20

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Released: Apr 5, 2017

"Superman black" part one! A "Superman Reborn Aftermath" tie-in! As the smoke clears the Kents are faced with leaving Hamilton to go back to Metropolis, but someone or something doesn't want them to leave! Batman and Robin discover something is mysteriously wrong with the son of Superman-he's losing his powers!

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CrackerCJ rated Suicide Squad #1 Jun 13, 2024

Suicide Squad #1

By: John Ostrander, Javier Pina
Released: Sep 12, 2007

Learn how original Suicide Squad member Rick Flag Jr. survived a nuclear blast while battling terrorism in Qurac and how his hard path home takes him from Skartaris to Dubai and into the hands of dueling commanders Amanda Waller and General Wade Eiling--and into the formation of a new Suicide Squad!

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CrackerCJ rated Justice League Dark #10 Jun 13, 2024

Justice League Dark #10

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Eduardo Martinez Bueno
Released: Apr 24, 2019

Wonder Woman and her team of mystical misfits are on their last legs against Doctor Fate and his Lords of Order. As the magical community surrounds them, the Justice League Dark searches the world over for their one chance at stopping Doctor Fate and the Otherkind and saving magic: Mordru, the Lord of Chaos!

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CrackerCJ rated Justice League Dark #11 Jun 14, 2024

Justice League Dark #11

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Eduardo Martinez Bueno
Released: May 22, 2019

Wonder Woman and Zatanna have found Mordru, the Lord of Chaos, but when they bring him to the rest of the team, they learn about the destruction Doctor Fate and his Lords of Order have wrought on the world. Time is running out to save magic from the Otherkind, so Zatanna makes a deal with Mordru in the hopes of saving the day. She should've known t...

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CrackerCJ reviewed Justice League Dark #13 Jun 15, 2024

Se empieza a gestar la siguiente parte de esta gran historia. El ambiente tenso y desesperado es casi palpable, y ahora hay más piezas sobre el tablero. Tynion IV sabe hacia dónde va, y en cada capítulo sigue tejiendo la maraña del gran evento mágico en curso.

Justice League Dark #13

By: James Tynion IV, Daniel Sampere
Released: Jul 24, 2019

Their battle against Doctor Fate may have come to an end, but the Justice League Dark's problems are just beginning when the helmet begins its search for a new host. Meanwhile, what can Lex Luthor offer a magic user like Circe? For one thing, Lex knows a thing or two about monsters. And where Circe can find them.

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CrackerCJ reviewed Justice League Dark #12 Jun 14, 2024

La verdad no estaba convencido con los diseños de Señoras del Caos para Zatanna y Wondy, pero la historia lo justificó y exaltó por completo. También quedé con la duda de cómo Swampy, Bobo y Man-Bat también adquirieron los poderes, pero fue sin duda la cúspide de la historia. Finalmente la Justice League Dark se forma y forja como un grupo poderoso.

Justice League Dark #12

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Eduardo Martinez Bueno
Released: Jun 26, 2019

Newly powered up by Mordru, the Justice League Dark have become the Lords of Chaos to stop Doctor Fate before it's too late! But will this deal with the devil cost more than Wonder Woman and her team bargained for?

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CrackerCJ reviewed Detective Comics #1006 Jun 26, 2024

Es bueno ver a The Spectre de nuevo. Por el momento inicia un nuevo arco de forma confusa, y aunque es la idea, falla en crear verdadero interés en la historia.

Detective Comics #1006

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Kyle Hotz
Released: Jun 26, 2019

Detective Jim Corrigan has been shot on the streets of Gotham City-and the Spectre must reach out to Batman to help him find the secret assassin!

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CrackerCJ reviewed Detective Comics #1007 Jun 26, 2024

Quizá la historia pudo haberse alargado más o repartido en varios números. Fue algo apresurado su desarrollo. Sin embargo, la buena colaboración entre Batman y Spectre la hace una gran historia. Parece que cimentará el futuro de The Spectre en DC.

Detective Comics #1007

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Kyle Hotz
Released: Jul 10, 2019

"The Spectre: Dead on Arrival" finale! In all of Gotham City, there's only one life
Batman would be willing to risk to save Jim Corrigan and the Spectre: his own!

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CrackerCJ reviewed Detective Comics #1008 Jun 26, 2024

Un gran Joker y un cruel y sádico juego. Un clásico bien representado, que si bien lo hace un número con poca acción, logra transmitir esa tensión confusa de un juego mortal.

Detective Comics #1008

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Jul 24, 2019

The Joker returns to Gotham City! The Joker is through working with the Legion of Doom, and he wants to get back to his roots: giving Batman absolute hell! The Clown Prince of Crime comes back with a bang-and he's not about to take prisoners! As if that weren't enough, Lex Luthor delivers the cure for Mr. Freeze's beloved wife, Nora, freeing her fr...

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CrackerCJ reviewed Teen Titans #31 Jun 27, 2024

La llegada de Lobo era inminente e inevitable, y efectivamente llegó con toda su esencia. Un gran número que pone patas arriba al equipo.

Teen Titans #31

By: Adam Glass, Bernard Chang
Released: Jun 19, 2019

Lobo brought Crush into this world...and now he's gonna take her out! But the timing couldn't be worse for the Teen Titans, with Damian's secret prison exposed to the rest of the team, not to mention Deathstroke's death looming over them-can the team put their drama aside to help Crush battle her deadbeat dad? Or will Lobo be the final nail in the ...

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CrackerCJ reviewed Teen Titans #32 Jun 27, 2024

Una batalla no tan movida como en el número anterior. Al final, nuevas dudas surgen y aún quedan muchos nudos en la historia de los Teen Titans. El año del Villano continúa formándose...

Teen Titans #32

By: Adam Glass, Bernard Chang
Released: Jul 17, 2019

Lobo's back-and he's got his daughter, Crush, dead to rights! At least she can ask him about the identity of her mother, right? And as the Teen Titans square off against the Main Man, an enemy more sadistic than any they've ever faced before, questions about the team's future are still hanging in the balance-that is, if they have any future at all!...

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CrackerCJ reviewed Flash #70 Jun 27, 2024

¡Un nuevo rumbo! Se siente bien revisitar los origenes de Flash, ¿pero con un giro? Ya veremos qué depara esta nueva historia a cargo de Williamson.

Flash #70

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: May 8, 2019

"The Flash Year One" starts here! Barry Allen feels helpless in his life in Central City. As a forensic scientist, he's always catching criminals after they've committed their crimes. All that changes one fateful night when Barry is struck by a bolt of lightning and doused in chemicals. When he wakes from a coma, he realizes he can run at incredibl...

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CrackerCJ reviewed Flash #71 Jul 3, 2024

Una vez más Flash haciendo cosas raras con el tiempo. La historia es emocionante, y logra mantenerte atrapado en el número hasta su final, provocando ganas de más.

Flash #71

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: May 22, 2019

"The Flash Year One" continues! Barry Allen struggles to control his powers as he experiments with his newfound abilities. When one of his tests lands him in a mess, he'll come face to face with his first villains!

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CrackerCJ reviewed Flash #72 Jul 12, 2024

No me esperaba en absoluto el final. Quizá la historia no hace mucho sentido a la frase en su portada, pese a una pequeña orientación en la historia.

Flash #72

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jun 12, 2019

"The Flash Year One" continues! Things are not looking pretty for the Flash, who just got his scarlet butt handed to him by the Turtle. If Barry Allen thought being a hero was going to be easy, he'd better think again after this beating--but will it be enough to detour his destiny?

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CrackerCJ reviewed Flash #73 Jul 12, 2024

El final fue lo que salvó a este número. La historia no fue muy distinta y cayó en demasiados clichés, aunque no es extraño siendo una historia de origen. También muchos diálogos o datos no tuvieron sentido, se sintieron casi de relleno. Sin embargo, sigue aportando al que está siendo un gran arco de Year One.

Flash #73

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jun 26, 2019

"The Flash Year One" continues! As our hero picks up the pieces from his disastrous defeat at the hands of the Turtle, the rise of the Rogues in Central City gives the Flash renewed resolve. But Barry is still learning to master his abilities, and while an experienced speedster might know how to outrun a gun, this time he may not be so lucky...

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CrackerCJ reviewed Flash #74 Jul 13, 2024

Un buen número, que usa mejor el recurso de la motivación a partir de las experiencias o recuerdos, y que ofrece una personalidad a estos personajes de forma más natural.

Flash #74

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jul 10, 2019

"The Flash Year One" continues! The Turtle has made his grand entrance, and it's about to bring down the house! As an untested hero with the mastery of his abilities still in its infancy, Barry Allen will face the toughest challenge of his life to defend Central City from the invading forces of those who seek its destruction. Our hero is faced with...

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CrackerCJ reviewed Flash #75 Jul 17, 2024

El final de Año Uno fue como se esperaba, un cómic lleno de esperanza y redención ante un futuro incierto. Me encantó la conexión de la historia con el presente, así como El Año del Villano (que sigue dando mucho bombo pero aún no llega a nada). Un gran arco brindado por el gran Joshua.

Flash #75

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jul 24, 2019

"The Flash Year One" finale! This oversize anniversary issue marks the end of Barry Allen's journey to become the Flash-but at what cost? The Turtle's final play will challenge our hero in every way possible, and by the end of the battle, a Flash will be born-and a Flash will die! Also in this issue, witness Lex Luthor's offer to Captain Cold, whos...

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CrackerCJ reviewed Suicide Squad #2 Jul 17, 2024

Un gran número con una deliciosa lectura fluida. Quizá poca acción, pero permite enlazar perfectamente el pasado y presente (en ambas perspectivas) de nuestros personajes. Además le da mucha más vida a las conexiones entre cada uno, brindando ese trasfondo.

Suicide Squad #2

By: John Ostrander, Javier Pina
Released: Oct 10, 2007

Stranded alongside his worst enemy in an otherworldly wilderness, Rick Flag Jr. is stunned by memories of a previously unknown life in Black Ops.

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CrackerCJ reviewed Suicide Squad #3 Jul 17, 2024

La historia salta de un punto a otro de manera brusca y poco trabajada. Lo que parecía ser el arco completo de la historia queda en segundo plano y se soluciona de forma básica, sin esencia ni buen guion.

Suicide Squad #3

By: John Ostrander, Javier Pina
Released: Nov 14, 2007

A mystical link to the Squad's first leader is revealed, as its current leader finalizes a new lineup of unimaginable power!

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CrackerCJ reviewed Green Lantern #9 Jul 18, 2024

La verdad Grant Morrison escribe cosas muy extrañas. La lectura es complicada entre tantos nombres alienígenas y sucesos sin contexto sucediendo a la vez. Sin embargo, este número lleva a un interesante desenlace.

Green Lantern #9

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Jul 3, 2019

On the medieval fantasy planet of Athmoora, Sir Hal of the Lantern-a.k.a. Hal Jordan-must do battle with the evil wizard Ah-Bah-Nazzur, scourge of the Four Kingdoms! What is Ah-Bah-Nazzur's secret? And what does it have to do with the looming extinction-level Multiversal threat that leaves countless dead super-beings in its wake?

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CrackerCJ reviewed Suicide Squad #4 Jul 24, 2024

Después del extraño cambio de ritmo de la serie, se empieza a presentar el nuevo status quo en el Suicide Squad. Sin embargo, aún carece de sentido y motivación esta nueva alineación.

Suicide Squad #4

By: John Ostrander, Javier Pina
Released: Dec 12, 2007

The new Suicide Squad is fully revealed! The hits just keep on coming as Amanda Waller unveils her latest strategy for controlling the troops: a big dose of Chemo with a dash of Firestorm!

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CrackerCJ reviewed Suicide Squad #5 Jul 24, 2024

Un número lento, sin embargo, por fin le da cuerpo a la historia y propósito. Conocemos finalmente la formación completa del Escuadrón.

Suicide Squad #5

By: John Ostrander, Javier Pina
Released: Jan 9, 2008

Even as the team heads to the Mideast to take out the breathtakingly deadly weapon codenamed Scarlet Tears, bloodshed threatens to break out within their ranks!

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CrackerCJ reviewed Green Lantern #10 Jul 28, 2024

Es una buena historia; sin embargo, más disfrutable si los personajes, mundos, universos y conceptos no se introdujeran de forma tan abrupta, y la historia se desarrollara de forma más lenta para lectores casuales, que quizá no están enterados de todas las referencias que se hacen en el número. Una breve introducción, pese a que hiciera más larga la serie, sería recomendable.

Green Lantern #10

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Aug 7, 2019

Twelve parallel worlds! Twelve Green Lanterns! And one unstoppable menace! Hal Jordan joins the Green Lanterns of the Multiverse-including Bat-Lantern, Tangent Green Lantern and more-to save a dying Multiverse, defeat the relentless Anti-Man and embark upon their "Quest for the Cosmic Grail"! It's another Morrison/Sharp science fantasy epic!

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CrackerCJ reviewed Green Lantern #11 Jul 28, 2024

La historia se desarrolla mejor, y vemos un rumbo más directo en lo que ha sido una trama un poco confusa y con muchos matices. Sin embargo, es impresionante que pese a la complejidad de la misma Grant pueda brindarnos un gran universo conciso y una historia lo suficientemente clara como para disfrutarla.

Green Lantern #11

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Sep 4, 2019

On the edge of reality, Green Lantern Hal Jordan and Star Sapphire face death by power ring firing squad! Yes, Hal and Carol Ferris reunite (sort of) as they fight their way out of the improbable turn of events of the previous issue! In fact, with what happens next issue, they may not want to survive this one...

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CrackerCJ reviewed Batman and the Outsiders #1 Jul 28, 2024

Una muy buena introducción a la dinámica de este nuevo equipo. De forma sencilla, Bryan Hill logra darle personalidad a cada participante formando un equipo muy vivo e interesante.

Batman and the Outsiders #1

By: Bryan Hill, Dexter Soy
Released: May 8, 2019

When the quest for justice drives Batman into some morally ambiguous areas, he calls in the most moral man he knows: Jefferson Pierce, a.k.a. Black Lightning, and his team of operatives known as the Outsiders!
Several years ago Batman personally put the Barrera family into hiding after they suffered through terrible experiments at the hands of ...

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CrackerCJ reviewed Green Lantern #12 Jul 28, 2024

Y así llega el final, que queda más como una puerta a lo que serán los problemas verdaderos. Se asientan las bases y elementos para una gran historia, que según parece veremos dividida en varias partes.

Green Lantern #12

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Oct 2, 2019

The Green Lanterns will fall! Insidious plans meticulously set in motion since issue #1 have reached their boiling point. As defeat looms for the Corps, Hal Jordan's showdown with his monstrous antimatter counterpart sets the stage for the final pages of this issue-and the moment that will echo throughout the entire DC Universe! How bad is it for H...

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