The superstar creators from BLACKEST NIGHT and BRIGHTEST DAY reunite to take AQUAMAN to amazing new depths!Aquaman has renounced the throne of Atlantis but the sea will not release Arthur Curry so easily. Now, from a forgotten corner of the ocean emerges The Trench! A broken race of creatures that should not exist, an unspeakable need driving them...
John Constantine isn't a conventional hero--he lies, cheats, and manipulates others to get the job done. But for all his faults, he's the only one capable of saving the day after learning of information that could shake the DC Universe to its core.
The world has changed for Task Force X, a.k.a. the Suicide Squad. Director Amanda Waller no longer has the autonomy she once had. New members disrupt the team dynamic. And the team takes on an international scope. New members Jokers Daughter, Deathstroke and Black Manta join Harley Quinn and Deadshot for a mission in the most dangerous and unpredic...
Comics superstars Geoff Johns and Jim Lee make history! In a universe where super heroes are strange and new, Batman has discovered a dark evil that requires him to unite the World Greatest Heroes!
Harley is set to begin her new life, but she needs a job first! Enter the Coney Island Roller Derby! It's game time as Harley sets out to destroy her competition - literally!
The new adventures of Superman begin here! What is The Man of Steel's startling new status quo? How does it affect Lois Lane and The Daily Planet? There's no time for answers now, because Superman must stop a monstrous threat to Metropolis one that he somehow is the cause of!
The witch known as The Enchantress has gone mad, unleashing forces that not even the combined powers of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg can stop. And if those heroes can't handle the job, who will stand against this mystical madness?Shade the Changing Man, Madame Xanadu, Deadman, Zatanna and John Constantine may be our only hope but how ...
Yes, it's really happening!Barbara Gordon is back as Batgirl and she's going to have to face the city's most horrifying new villains as well as the dark secrets from her past. You won't want to miss this stunning debut issue from fan-favorite BIRDS OF PREY writer Gail Simone!
Atrocitus and his Red Lantern Corps return in their own series, battling against injustice in the most bloody ways imaginable!
Be here for the start of a new era for The Dark Knight from writer Scott Snyder (AMERICAN VAMPIRE, BATMAN: GATES OF GOTHAM) and artist Greg Capullo (Spawn)! A series of brutal killings hints at an ancient conspiracy, and Batman learns that Gotham City is deadlier than he knew.
One of the world's most iconic characters has returned to the heart of the DC Universe, and every step he takes will shake the foundations of the Earth!Alec Holland has his life backbut the Green has plans for it. A monstrous evil is rising in the desert, and it'll take a monster of another kind to defend life as we know it!
At last! Batwoman's new series begins, from the multiple award-winning creative team of J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman!In "Hydrology," part 1 of 5, Batwoman faces deadly new challenges in her war against Gotham City's underworld and new trials in her life as Kate Kane.Who or what is stealing children from the barrio, and for what vile pur...
The Gods walk among us. To them, our lives are playthings. Only one woman would dare to protect humanity from the wrath of such strange and powerful forces. But is she one of us or one of them?