Ultimate End Vol. 1
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Ultimate End Vol. 1

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mark Bagley Publisher: Marvel Comics Trade Paperback: January 6, 2016, $16.99 Issues: 5, Issue Reviews: 110
4.3Critic Rating
5.5User Rating

This is it - the swan song of the Ultimate Universe! As the Incursions destroy everything, and the Marvel and Ultimate Universes meet and collide, Miles Morales and the rest of the Ultimate heroes face final extinction! Will the heroes' heartbreaking sacrifices make any difference? Who - if anyone - will survive? How long can two Battleworld territories occupy the same space? It's the battle you thought you'd never see as the tear between domains deepens - and a universe dies! The dramatic end of an era is here, brought to you by the Ultimate Universe's founding fathers!

Rating Collected Issues Reviews
Ultimate End #1 15
Ultimate End #2 8
Ultimate End #3 5
Ultimate End #4 4
Ultimate End #5 7

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