Forever Evil: Blight
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Forever Evil: Blight

7.5Critic Rating
5.7User Rating

After a battle between the three Justice Leagues, the heroes of the DC Universe have all gone missing! With the unspeakable evil known as Blight unleashed upon the world, it's up to the Justice League Dark, Swamp Thing, Pandora and the Phantom Stranger to try and stop them from destroying everything around them.

  • 6.0
    BaconFrenzy Sep 27, 2021

    Not the best.

  • 5.0
    K Sharath Jul 8, 2021

    Perhaps the most unwanted pushed book of New 52.The book feels like pushing JL Dark away from the main storyline.It is a large crossover that not only ruined the book but also the titles associated with it.The whole thing is a disappointment despite a new factors which saves it upto a extent.The book features a weird end placing Constantine in a much bad state.The only character worth a mention is nightmare nurse who stands out among others due to her kinky attitude rest is forgettable.

  • 6.0
    Hydracannon Aug 24, 2022

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