Constantine #10

Event\Storyline: Forever Evil Writer: Ray Fawkes Artist: Aco Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 15, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 6
7.2Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

A FOREVER EVIL tie-in! Brought low by the evil of Blight, Constantine struggles to rally his mystical allies and turn the tide of battle. Only one thing stands in his path: the righteous wrath of The Spectre! Continued in this month's TRINITY OF SIN: PANDORA #7!

  • 9.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Mark Pritchard Jan 17, 2014

    This is a Godless comic, yet it's a comic about God. How clever is that? Constantine is all of us, and that's why he's the most vital character in contemporary comics. Raw Fawkes understands this, and his writing in this issue is top notch, demonstrating just how philosophically deep you can get whilst writing what is ostensibly just a childish book about superheroes. It really isn't, there's so much more going on here, and I for one really appreciate what he is doing. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Jan 16, 2014

    Im not going to lie: This is not only my pick of the week (which is a very welcome surprise to me as a reader and reluctant fan of this series), but also a vast improvement over the last several issues. Its starting to actually be a good read. I really hope Fawkes can keep up the momentum that he just found. Because if he continues to write Constantine in a way that actually makes me simultaneously love and hate the character, hes really doing his job. And if he does so for a long time, I will happily retract my previous comments on Forever Evil: Blight coverage about taking all of the magic or dark titles of the DC Universe and absorbing them into just one monthly title. Keep proving me wrong, Fawkes. Im all for as many well-written and different titles as possible. Especially when theyre coming from DC. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Hero Nuggets - Steve 'Wallboy' Tomei Jan 18, 2014

    Constantine #10 is another solid issue in the Forever Evil: Blight storyline. If you've been following so far, this installment will leave you satisfied. If you're only reading the Constantine series, this issue will probably go a little over your head. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Max Dweck Jan 15, 2014

    This is probably the best issue of Constantine yet. It's a case of the big event that a comic series ties into being used to serve the series itself. Constantine's discussion with Dog is a reflection of how Constantine views the world, and this book provides a lot of insight to his character that's been missing in previous issues. Sometimes, words do speak louder than actions. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jan 15, 2014

    Even though I accused Forever Evil: Blight of just being a thrown together story, so that the Dark characters would have something to do, I find myself enjoying it more and more with each issue.  We now have the newest member of the team, giving us the lucky number seven, we've become accustomed to for a Justice League team, and I'm really excited to see where this goes.  Beni Lobel left a lot to be desired with his artwork on this issue, but the story more than makes up for it in the end.  Go and get this issue, and join the fun of Blight. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Population Go - Chris Lemmerman Jan 23, 2014

    Even with that complaint, this is another solid issue of both Forever Evil: Blight, and Constantine itself. The artwork by fill-in artist Beni Lobell is very reminiscent of Mikel Janin over on Justice League Dark, so there's artistic consistency between the titles, and the story, even if it is a bit filler oriented, is a fun read. Keep it up, guys. You're almost to the halfway point, and then it's the sprint to the home stretch. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Nerds Unchained - NateTieman Jan 19, 2014

    If you're looking to give Constantine a try, grab this issue. If you're looking for a title that gives a reprieve from “Forever Evil,” grab this issue. If you're looking for a solid story, or fantastic artwork, keep looking. Hopefully this title will hit its stride soon, because I'd hate to see DC cancel yet another of my monthly must-reads. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Jan 22, 2014

    The highlight of this issue was the art. Guest artist Beni Lobel stood out to me as an artist to watch. His art has a Ryan Sook sort of feel and I really enjoyed his style on all the different characters he had to include within this issue. I wasn't familiar with his work prior to reading this issue, and since he's a guest artist I'll have to see where he shows up next. I'm not dismissing Constantine in the proper DCU just yet, but seeing him outside of the Vertigo Universe hasn't enriched this longtime status as a fan favorite character. I'm hoping that given more time moving him into the DCU will end up being the right choice. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - Rob McMonigal Jan 16, 2014

    The NuJustice League Dark team travels to Heaven but the story is stuck in limbo as this Forever Evil crossover feels very much like filler. Read Full Review

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