Batman: The Brave and the Bold Vol. 1: The Winning Card
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Batman: The Brave and the Bold Vol. 1: The Winning Card

Writer: Tom King, Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing Artist: Mitch Gerads, Kelley Jones Publisher: DC Comics Trade Paperback: April 3, 2024, $16.99 Issues: 4, Issue Reviews: 85
8.2Critic Rating
6.3User Rating

Prepare yourself for a shockingly brutal retelling of the first bloody clash between The Joker and the Batman! Detective Jim Gordon must call on the mysterious Dark Knight to help investigate the latest string of murder and mayhem terrorizing Gotham City. But what will it take to find the culprit behind these darkly comedic antics, and what will the repercussions be for everyone involved? The Eisner Award-winning team of Tom King and Mitch Gerads reunite to give life to what may be the most frightening Joker story in a generation! Collects King and Gerads's The Winning Card storyline from Batman: The Brave and the Bold #1-2, #5, and #9.

  • 9.0
    SnappyJ24 Jul 27, 2024

    To preface this review, this is one of the best batman books i have read since the court of owls.

    To say Tom King is a divisive writer would be a gross understatement. While he has written several critically acclaimed books such as mister miracle, supergirl: woman of tomorrow, and the human target; he has also written more widely criticized books such as heroes in crisis and, most infamously, his run on batman. King’s batman run has been one of the most talked-about ongoing comic runs i’ve seen and while i think there are some good stories in there such as cold days, most of them either felt like filler, were dragged out, or they flat-out misunderstood the characters.

    This story, however, i can confidently say is one of the best books i’ve read from him. It is a modernized retelling of Batman #1 from 1940 and shows the first time batman met the joker. This concept has been done before with Ed Brubaker’s the man who laughs. However, i believe this is a far superior book to Brubaker’s take. For one, i love how it is a direct follow-up to year one, even going as far as to have batman in his year one suit and gordon mention the ending of year one. Brubaker’s take, while loosely a follow-up to year one, didn’t really mention anything from that book and mostly did its own thing while still canonically taking place directly after.

    I also love King’s portrayal of the joker. While he is still announcing some of his murders, he also kills random people throughout as well, making him much more of a wildcard. His appearance is extremely creepy too, not only because of his white eyes but also because we don’t see much of him. In the book, joker hardly ever talks directly through normal speech bubbles. Instead, he mainly talks through silent film era dialogue cards. Not only does it give the joker even more mystique, it also is a call back to the 1925 silent film the man who laughs, whos main character inspired the appearance of the joker.

    I also have to mention Mitch Gerads gorgeous artwork. His art in this book almost feels nightmarish at times. From what i’ve heard, the last issue of this book was delayed due to Gerads failing to meet deadlines but when the art is this good, i’d wait an extra year if i had to.

    While i do have some slight issues with the book, such as an over abundance of censored swearing and child’s dialogue being somewhat awkward, i feel that they don’t detract from the overall enjoyment i have when reading it. If you love batman and want to see a fantastic modern take on when he met the joker, this is definitely the book for you.

  • 1.5
    myconius May 3, 2024

    Yet another pretentious load of crap from tom king. He's honestly the absolute worst Batman writer of all time. Why DC continues to allow him to sully their most popular character is beyond me?!

    All the typical tropes are on display. 9 panel grids, meaningless time-skips, terrible dialogue, entire pages checkered with artless panels of text, senseless violence/gore, terrible dialogue, Bat-family punching each other in the face, terrible dialogue, Batman humiliated and shamed, terrible dialogue, nihilism, more terrible dialogue...

    Do yourself a HUGE favor .... AVOID!!!

  • 8.5
    ADB94 Sep 25, 2024

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