A whole generation has grown up since the Great Quake, and people like Trix and her brother Johnny don't know what life was like before New Angeles crumbled. Suffice to say, they've learned how to make the most of living inside the walled city, and particularly within their 'hood. Johnny is the leader of the Kings of HelL.A., a street gang ready to protect its turf against any and all comers-though Johnny may have taken things too far when he crossed Leonard, a former Suicider known as the Coyote. Things are about to get a whole lot more violent.
Meanwhile, Trix is finding love in the arms of Johnny's best friend, and their star- more
Suiciders: Kings of HELL.A. is the 21st Century version of The Warriors. Read Full Review
While the characters themselves arent quite fleshed out just yet, the world itself most definitely is, and Bermejo and Vittis creative partnership hits you like a brick to the face, providing a shocking, visceral introduction to this bleak and violent world. Highest of recommendations for this one, folks. Read Full Review
The original Suiciders was a solid addition to Vertigo's lineup last year, and the sequel is shaping up to be even better. The addition of Vitti to the mix has only boosted the book's visual appeal. This first issue is quick to establish its cast and conflict and move forward without hesitation. Read Full Review
If looks could kill this book would just as brutally as the gang members. I didn't read the original series, but still found myself entertained and interested in this series. Read Full Review
As a first issue, it's pretty solid. The real test for SUICIDERS will be to see where it goes from here. There's a lot going for it, but if it can avoid a lot of the pitfalls and cliches that run rampant in dystopian content, there may be a great book in the making. At the very least, I'm sticking around to find out. Read Full Review
Suiciders: Kings of HELL.A. #1 is a good introduction to the Suiciders world. It captures the brutality of gang warfare, does a good job of introducing characters, has solid world building, and has depth with hints of subthemes regarding birth and family. You won't go wrong picking this book up if you are looking for a solid mature dystopian. Read Full Review
All in all, Vertigo has released another title that warrants your attention. I find it highly suspect that it dropped the week I attended aMad Maxthemed party. Coincidence? Probably. Read Full Review
From what I have gathered this takes place during the same time period as the first Suiciders arc, so I am hopeful to seeing more of New Angeles and being reacquainted to the characters from the first story. I don't a lot to say about this first issue due to it being the first. But the one thing I do know is this new mini was a much awaited addition to my pull for the week of March 30th. With new characters like Trix and Johnny I don't know what to expect but, I know it's going to be gritty and amazing. Read Full Review