Deadpool Max: X-Mas Special #1
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Deadpool Max: X-Mas Special #1

7.0Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

How do Deadpool and Bob, the two most wanted terrorists in the world, spend their holiday break? By faking their own deaths, breaking into CIA headquarters, hunting down internet-porn-peddling jihadists and causing a riot in an insane ?asylum, of course!
40 PGS./Explicit Content

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Dec 7, 2011

    DeadpoolMAX fans should have no reason to complain about what is essentially an oversized bonus issue. But casual Deadpool fans and Christmas lovers might be better served looking elsewhere or, at least, heading back to the beginning of Lapham's story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Ultimate Goblin Sep 24, 2022

    Big special issue with one story drawn by the artists. One of them was even the Lapham himself, which is pretty cool, he's the best one of those. But the story is rather mediocre. Not that bad, but it could be better.

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