X-Force #1
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X-Force #1

Writer: Craig Kyle, Chris Yost Artist: Clayton Crain Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 13, 2008 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 5
4.5Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

Cyclops has assembled a team of mutant warriors to do the things the X-Men cannot. X-Force, led by Wolverine, is tasked with taking down the big threats behind the scenes...permanently.

  • 7.8
    IGN - Bryan Joel Feb 13, 2008

    I'm a diehard X-Men fan and I know it may seem like I'm slamming X-Force, so I want to make it clear that I really did enjoy a good portion of it. The new(-ish) Purifiers are sufficiently imposing and X-Force as a team succeeds in looking like a cooler, more bloody version of the X-Men, which is probably a large chunk of the mission statement. I just feel like X-Force has a lot of work to do in becoming a viable X-book. The potential is definitely there, but they haven't hooked me just yet. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Feb 15, 2008

    X-Force #1 was a solid read and certainly provides the reader with some quality entertainment. If you dig action based comic books with plenty of ass-kickers violently taking out the bad guys then you should definitely pick up a copy of X-Force #1. On the other hand, if you are a fan of comic books with finely crafted dialogue and a commitment to strong character work then X-Force is probably not the title for you. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Feb 18, 2008

    Ill be honest, the only reason I picked up X-Force #1 is because I am following Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost from their work on New X-Men. They took New X-Men, a struggling teenage super hero comic book, and turned into one of the best X-Men titles going with their balance of action and teen drama. Kyle and Yost took advantage of having a disposable cast, using this to keep the stories fresh and exciting. Now they have moved on to X-Force, basically the X-Mens own personal black-ops team with permission to kill. With a more adult team, Kyle and Yost are attempting to bring the action of their New X-Men run and put it in a more mature perspective. But without the disposability of the characters and lack of teenage superheroes, X-Force may be an entirely different experience. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Colbert Feb 19, 2008

    In conclusion it will be interesting to see where Kyle and Yost take this book, if it will be more surface or depth. Till that time you can enjoy the gorgeous art and the sheer enjoyment of watching bad X-asses doing what they do best. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Feb 13, 2008

    It's a solid first issue. I think we'll know for sure whether this is just some cheap 'what if we put 5 Wolverinelike characters in one book!' premise or an actual comic with a decent story and reason for following along every month. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jim Kingman Aug 12, 2004

    That being said, Liefeld certainly delivers on the artistic front. I was especially impressed with page 22 where some guy named Shatterstar does one of those vicious Liefeld kicks (similar to how Mike Grell used to have Karate Kid leap across rooms all those years ago). Hey, its what I paid to see. I didnt buy X-Force for the story. There is a story here, somewhere; after all, something has to be going on so everyone can pose dramatically over the course of 23 pages. But I had no intention of reading the comic. If I started doing that, I would most likely be disappointed and then become highly critical. As stated above, there are many others who will be doing that with far more enraged eloquence than me. When theyre done writing their perfectly valid opinions, they will put X-Force aside -- like Im doing right now because I am now done looking, writing and thinking about it -- and enjoy the really good stuff that came out this week. The X-Force fans, meanwhile, are already eagerly Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Geoff Collins Feb 10, 2008

    I cant say everyone will love this, and Im not claiming this issue is flawless, but I can honestly say any fan of the super hero genre will enjoy this. Great art and great writing. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Feb 10, 2008

    I really liked this issue. I hope that this gimmick doesnt get old and Kyle and Yost have plenty of shock and awe stories up their sleeves. I think the X-universe has been sorely missing a title like this, one that tosses Xaviers dream to the side and establishes the true military nature of the X-Men. Cyclops has become one hell of a leader and serves his purpose as X-Forces Executive Officer perfectly. So long as the roster stays the same and doesnt overload and get ridiculous this series can have the potential to reshape the way readers look at the X-Men. Anyone who likes mutants, military operations, Wolverine-esque violence and pure bad-assery is sure to love this title, because you get all of that rolled into one. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Chris Williamson Feb 14, 2008

    I don't mean the creative team too much disrespect, but I think the readers would have reacted better to a really catchy battle in the beginning with about half of the text gone. As a simple man once said, “When you gotta shoot, shoot; don't talk.” Much like Ultimates 3 I would have been wiling to overlook the shaky aspects, but the artwork has to carry the lion's share and it really doesn't. I'm sorry to say this but… Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Aug 13, 2004

    The genius of this comic is that if you don't look at it too closely, it almost seems to be kind of somewhat slightly in the neighborhood of being decent. But if you take your time with it, Liefeld shines on almost every page. Page seven, long panel: where are Cable's fingers in that fist and why don't they take up any space? Or pages 17 and 18, when does Cable get a chance to change his gloves in the middle of a fight? Or page 9, how does Cable get those spears? Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Feb 10, 2008

    Awful. The worst Marvel book I've read in years. Read Full Review

  • 0.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Aug 15, 2004

    I don't like giving a comic no score at all. I feel like I should perhaps reward Nicieza's attempts at damage control, but then he is collecting a paycheque for this, and that's reward enough. Matt Yackey's colouring is actually pretty good, but I can't give this comic even half a bullet for that. No, much as I dislike doing it, this comic gets no bullets from me. None. Read Full Review

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