Ultimate Spider-Man #53

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mark Bagley Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 4, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 7
6.5Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

CATS AND KINGS PART 7 The origin of the Black Cat revealed! But who has really won the day? Spider-Man? Elektra? Or could it just be her financier, the dreaded Kingpin?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 10, 2004

    While the plot involving the runaway Mary Jane is a bit of a page eater, that lacks the dramatic punch that I had expected it to, the material involving the Black Cat certainly makes up for this issue's slow start out of the gate with a wonderfully intense finish, as Spider-Man, the Black Cat, Elektra and the Kingpin are all brought together and before the issue is done one of these four has fallen victim to what looks to be a life-ending attack. This issue also neatly spells out the back story and motive of the Black Cat, as we learn why she stole that tablet from the Kingpin, and better yet why that tablet is so highly prized by the Kingpin. By the end of this issue one is left with every indication that Spider-Man had best be keeping his eyes open as he's made a very powerful enemy in this issue, who has access to a host of hired killers (my fingers are already crossed for Bullseye versus Spider-Man), and access to information resources that could threaten Peter's secret identity. I Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Feb 17, 2004

    It does a pretty nice job of what it is, but the characters seem less dynamic being caught up in the same dilemmas over and over again. I hope the new direction this book takes next issue will resolve this. Read Full Review

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