Ultimate Fantastic Four #11

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Stuart Immonen Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 7
5.5Critic Rating
7.3User Rating

DOOM PART 5 The Fantastic Four have been granted clearance to retaliate against Victor Van Damme. Now, in command of a small monarchy in the middle of Europe and in control of a secret weapon, the Four may have met their match!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 1, 2004

    Stuart Immonen turns in some solid work on this issue, as he puts on a display of his ability to capture the emotions of the characters in the opening pages, with Sue's expression as she looks at the dolphins being an utterly charming visual. There's also some nice work on the scene where Reed explains his plan to the others, as the art takes on a decidedly darker feel as Reed makes it clear he's prepared to do whatever it takes. However it's the action sequences in this issue that are sure to impress most readers, as Stuart Immonen turns in some wonderful visuals, from the scene where Reed's flying car is blown out of the sky and comes to the ground in a lovely display of destruction, to the follow-up action as we see the Fantastic Four getting the heads handed to them. The final page shot of the enraged Reed also made for a solid image to carry us into the final chapter. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Sep 29, 2004

    There is still potential in this arc Victors revelation at Reeds powers is yet to be played out, and the military and inhabitants of Latveria are still likely to come into play eventually but it all has to be crammed into a single twelfth issue. Less setup and more payoff would have been nice. All in all, the entire title so far has been something of a let-down for me, and Ellis is going to have to pull some kind of spectacular finale out of his hat for me to continue to buy this series. Still, the little kid on the train who caught a glimpse of my comic-reading this week seemed attracted to this book above all the others, so maybe that says something about its colourful appeal to young readers (or maybe it was just the candy adverts). It is definitely pitched fairly low and certainly isnt sophisticated enough to satisfy readers of the other Ultimate titles, but the sense of fun and solid, thick-lined and bright artwork that we are treated to would maybe make it a good starting Read Full Review

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