Ultimate Extinction #5
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Ultimate Extinction #5

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Brandon Peterson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 31, 2006 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
6.7Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Gah Lak Tus has arrived at the planet's doorstep! Millions of civilizations have fallen before its insatiable hunger. Against impossible odds, can Earth break that curse? The cast of the entire Ultimate line plans to see that it does!

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jun 3, 2006

    I liked the artwork. Brandon Peterson is very talented and did a nice job with the artwork. Some of his facial expressions are a little weak. And his artwork can be a bit inconsistent from panel to panel. But, on a whole, he creates a nice looking comic book than is enjoyable to look at. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jun 5, 2006

    long-running story. Though Captain Marvels role (initially he seemed set to be a showcase character) is minor, Ellis whips up a multi-pronged attack that does hinge on believable sci-fi conventions and gives us a fuller picture of the Ultimate cosmos. Character moments are muted, but he still gets off a few good one-liners. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Mark J. Hayman Jun 8, 2006

    Hang on... since no limit was imposed on the number of Silver Surfers that Gah-Lak-Tus could produce - we can be certain of three - um, why wouldn't they have attacked the Triskelion en masse to foil Xavier? It's not like Big G needed to know the details, he already recognized the place as a threat, as evidence: launching a Surfer right at it. Sorry, had to get that off my chest, carry on. Read Full Review

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