Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #15

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Sara Pichelli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 27, 2010 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
8.5Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

Poor Peter Parker. All his friends hate him, his girlfriend has stopped speaking to him and to top it off, the whole world despises Spider-Man. What’s a dude to do?? How about save the world and maybe meet the new love of his life? Fan-favorite BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS (NEW AVENGERS) and rising Ultimate sensation, SARA PICHELLI (RUNAWAYS) bring you a new and exciting Spider-Man story you don’t want to miss!! Rated T …$3.99

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 27, 2010

    Issue #15 is significant in that it marks Sara Pichelli's first appearance as artist. Pichelli's art has been in too short supply since the untimely demise of Runaways Vol. 3. That book provided ample evidence that Pichelli is well-suited for USM. That said, the quality of her work is far stronger now. Her pencils are far more detailed and nuanced. Like fellow Runaways alumnus Adrian Alphona, Pichelli devotes a great deal of energy towards fashion design. Between that and her expressive facial work, the characters in this issue look like real, live teenagers in a way they often haven't in the past. Granted, there are some quirks in this issue. Pichelli tends to render minor background characters and objects in too much detail, which makes it hard for the eye to know where to focus. Still, this is an excellent debut for Pichelli. It's clear USM remains in good hands as it moves toward its big 10th anniversary issue. Read Full Review

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