Ultimate Comics Armor Wars #4
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Ultimate Comics Armor Wars #4

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Steve Kurth Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 10, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
6.7Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

The IRON MAN’s track record of kicking butt and taking names hasn’t been faring so well. But after a hot pursuit across the globe, he finally faces off with a long lost…frenemy? Even the Man of Iron couldn’t spot this on his radar! Plus the mysterious Remnant 242 is revealed and has some earth-shattering consequences! Acclaimed writer WARREN ELLIS (ULTIMATE HUMAN) and rising star STEVE KURTH (IRON MAN) bring you the momentous conclusion of ULTIMATE COMICS ARMOR WARS!

  • 8.0
    IGN - Tyler Parker Feb 10, 2010

    These are really just minor complaints in light of the big picture. In reality, Ellis and Kurth executed an original and self-contained take on Ultimate Tony Stark in the span of just 4 issues. Beyond that, the series has gorgeous art, exceptional dialogue, and an appealing premise. If you're a fan of Tony Stark, this is right up your alley. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Feb 16, 2010

    Ultimate Comics Armor Wars #4 was a great read. Warren Ellis completely nails what makes Tony Stark a great character. While the rushed ending was disappointing it did not take away too much from what has been a highly entertaining mini-series. Ellis did an excellent job turning the Ultimate version of the classic Armor Wars story into a James Bond type story. I highly recommend any Iron Man fan to pick this mini-series up when it comes out on trade as Ellis and Kurth combine to tell a great Iron Man story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Feb 10, 2010

    "Ultimate Comics Armor Wars" was a fun story and it ends as such. Ellis' Ultimate Tony Stark is a wonderfully entertaining character, one that I could read about every month. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy/Dave Wallace Feb 9, 2010

    Having said that, this issue (and the series as a whole) has been one of the better Ultimate books to come out of Marvel's relaunch, developing the Ultimate universe in a new but logical direction, providing a solid take on one of the most enjoyable Ultimate characters, and serving up plenty of action and spectacle for readers to enjoy. Let's hope that Ellis returns to the Ultimate books again soon. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Feb 19, 2010

    Kurt's style makes me see him as something of a low-rent Bryan Hitch, but I can understand why the book's editors sought such an artist for the book. Hitch, after all, was the artist on the series that introduced this incarnation of Iron Man (The Ultimates). He certainly captures the scope of the story and action. The choreography of the airplane assault in the second act of this issue looks great, for example. At times, the visuals struck me as being a bit too ordinary, but the storytelling is always clear. I guess I'm saying the art is serviceable but not something that really excited me either. Read Full Review

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