Thunderbolts #110

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Mike Deodato Jr. Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 10, 2007 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 9
6.8Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

They're America's newest celebrities, ready to take to the skies at a moment's notice in pursuit of those secret, unregistered superhumans hiding among us! They're the All-New, All-Deadly Thunderbolts!

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Steven G. Saunders Jan 18, 2007

    Thunderbolts #110 rockets by so fast, youll be done with the issue before you know it, slavering for more. Look at me! I have saliva all over me. Its simply disgusting. Im afraid the frothing will begin soon. If issue #110 is an indication of what Thunderbolts is going to be like, then count me in as a brand spanking new Thunderbolts fan. First (recently speaking, of course) Mr. Ellis gives us newuniversal, and now he hands us this, a superior story of the genre in every way. Mr. Deodatos art then helps bring it home. Dont worry about not having read Thunderbolts before or even Civil War; no homework is necessary. You can jump right in with this issue and have a great time. If you dig superheros and superhero stories like I do, you owe it to yourself to read this fine piece of elegant storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Handley Jan 16, 2007

    All in all, I really like the direction this book is taking. Having a Thunderbolts team composed of and run by villains and characters of dubious morality who are in it for the money or because they have no choice in the matter sure is a step away from Niciezas redemption driven T-Bolts, but does open up some interesting storytelling options. Its rather dark and gritty but with some fun elements thrown in. Though I really liked Niciezas outstanding Thunderbolts run, this issue really has captured my interest and these new Thunderbolts are a breath of fresh air for this title and the Marvel Universe in general. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Jan 19, 2007

    This is very much an issue of setup and laying of groundwork, and as such it's difficult to judge at this point whether Ellis' Thunderbolts will be worth following for many issues to come. It's good to see a writer take the time to build up these characters into something more than a shallow team of A-list super-villains, and I hope that the prominence of the plot thread which deals with Jack Flag is a sign that Ellis is planning to examine the anti-registration heroes' reaction to the Thunderbolts in just as much detail as the Thunderbolts themselves, as I still don't think I've seen a Marvel title make the most of the dramatic potential that's inherent in the conflict. The artwork is solid, and the political commentary is a welcome slice of intelligence that should quell the fears of anyone who thought that this Thunderbolts team would be the comic-book equivalent of a dumb action movie. I won't go overboard with my praise, as my positive reaction to the book has probably as much Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jan 21, 2007

    A story about corrupt government operations, super-villains as heroes and media manipulation certainly makes for a good fit with writer Warren Ellis, and there are scenes to be found in this opening episode that are riveting. Furthermore, Mike Deodato offers up some of his stronger work in recent memory, and I rather enjoyed his decision to "cast" a recognizable face in the role of an icon of comic-book villainy. I think where the book goes awry, though, is in how it jumps ahead months in time, portraying the new incarnation of the title team as being well established. The book seems dichotomous; some scenes focus on the setup, and others dwell on the media message that's apparently been drilled into the American social psyche. I also find it odd that the public would be aware and accepting of the employment of monsters as their new heroes. Furthermore, the team's role as hunters of non-registered super-heroes seems limiting, especially given the impossibly infinite nature of the resou Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jan 15, 2007

    That era is over. And its not that it had become moribund, but it can be argued that it was time for a fresh perspective as well. I trust Ellis to do right by the characters hes got, and he definitely captures the practical flavor of Moonstone this issue. With this group of baddies coerced into service, I worry that the redemption angle wont long survive. As a new Registration Act police force, whether the Thunderbolts are a force for good becomes debatable again. The subplot this issue concerns minor hero Jack Flag, who may not be able to put the costume away like his wife urges. Well see where that goes, but for the moment Im encouraged that the book is merely shifting tone rather than rebooting from scratch, so I'm willing to stick around for more. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Comic Addiction - Chris Partin Jan 1, 2008

    Thunderbolts is probably not the series I want it to be, but that's neither here nor there. What is important is that Ellis and Deodato, Jr. have been given a very dark and dynamic group of characters that require a certain level of skill to make readers attach themselves to and I think they're moving in the right direction. I'm on board for the next issue and you should be, too. Read Full Review

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