With superior villains come superior problems as the year's sleeper hit continues!Out of bail and aiming to stay out of jail, Boomerang must get his cronies on target – but does the PUNISHER have them targeted already?Nick Spencer (AVENGERS) and Steve Lieber (HAWKEYE) continue this most evil exploration into the Marvel U!
Superior Foes of Spider-Man is, in many ways, Nick Spencer's Justice League International. With a quintet of hapless supervillains, there's plenty of bwa-ha-ha to go with these bad guys. Read Full Review
The art and writing work great in tandem. There are the makings of more serious undertones, with Boomerang having hidden agendas and ulterior motives that he of course keeps from his rag tag team of villains. The artistic style helps keep the light-hearted parts fun and engaging for a reader, and the sections with Boomerang fantasizing about decapitating his therapist are the highlight of this issue. Superior Foes of Spider-Man is the superior Spider-man spin-off. Read Full Review
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #2 is a fun read from beginning to end. There is a lot of comedy in this comic, but also some very strong storytelling with some characters that have the potential to be quite interesting. Boomerang's lawyer troubles are worth the price of admission alone and I highly recommend people take a flier on this comic. You'll be pleasantly surprised! Read Full Review
There is an alternate version of Boomerang's daydream during his meeting with his lawyer. It wasn't suitable for printing, and it's pretty great. Track it down. It is out there on the interwebs somewhere. Read Full Review
Speaking of the lawyer known as Partridge, he's a wonderful surprise that not only entertains with his Saul Goodman-meets-JJJ fast-talk, but his presence gives me confidence that Spencer has a few more aces up his sleeve to keep this series alive and fresh as time goes on. Spencer has a formidable library to his name -- Existence 2.0 and Morning Glories, to name a few -- but this just might be the best comic he has ever written. I'd raise a toast to its future success if only the Sinister Six hadn't drank all the booze. Read Full Review
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #2′s focus on Boomerang gives an entertaining perspective on bigger-name players in the Marvel Universe and his life as a whole. While more attention could be given to other teammates, Boomerang himself makes for a solid series star. Read Full Review
Spencer, in the past somehwat of a mess when doing Marvel books, has proved himself more than up to the challenge at hand here, and is crafting a story that works on just about every level. Read Full Review
Despite the fact that the art is still finding its footing in some areas, the villainous angle and the many plots provide us a very fun read as we follow the exploits of the likeable losers that are the Sinister Six. Read Full Review
Superior Foes of Spider-Man is just wonderful. Though it's not yet perfect. Some of the characters, like Beetle and Overdrive, haven't gotten much attention. Nothing really emotionally investing has happened to anybody yet. And the art is a little sloppier than the first issue. But otherwise, there's a lot to love. The humor is sharp, the art is mostly good, and the characters are unique to a book like this. Read Full Review
From the looks of things, Fred is about to enter a world of hurt if he screws up. And judging by the way things have been going so far, that is bound to happen, so I'll most definitely keep reading to see what sort of hilarity ensues as a result. Read Full Review