Star Wars: The High Republic #8

Writer: Cavan Scott Artist: Andrea Broccardo Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 12, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
6.5Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

One Jedi lies dying in Jedha's frozen desert, and another is missing. Can Vildar, Matty and Tey escape the siege of Enlightenment in time to save them both?
And all the time, the Leveler waits in the shadows, desperate to feed.
Plus, the identities of the mysterious raiders are revealed.
Rated T

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge May 3, 2023

    Things continue to move forward and we see some of what the Herald is up to and acquiring from within the temple. There's more to learn to be sure and they're still not compelling villains, but we're at a place now where Vildar and Tey are working together so I'll take that as a win. And Vildar even helps to reassure Matty that she's definitely the right person to be doing what she's doing when it comes to helping others and the bigger fight here. It's a generally solid book in moving events forward and sticking to either Vildar or Tey and with them together it feels a bit more cohesive. There are some areas where Messina's art doesn't click too well, though some of that may be the color designs, but overall it all gets the job done. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Charlie Ridgely Apr 12, 2023

    There's a lot going on in this High Republic story, and it often gets too busy for its own good. When it allows itself to slow down, however, it's a very compelling character study. Read Full Review

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