• While continuing to wait out a nasty sandstorm on Tatooine, Obi-Wan reflects on one of his most grueling experiences in the Clone Wars...
• It's a memory full of pain and bloodshed, and one that has lasting consequences.
• The battle also reminds Obi-Wan of an age-old question he has long wrestled with throughout his life: what is a Jedi's true purpose in war?
While Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the prequel films highlighted his power, agility, and cunning, this issue perceives them all through the wiser version of the character, resulting in a tone more similar to the Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi series. Read Full Review
The description of the battle is done brilliantly. I particularly liked how Commander Mekedrox seemed to rile Obi-Wan a little bit for treating the battle like it was just a mere game. The orders being given back and forth and the general panic and mayhem of being outnumbered by a superior force is brilliantly captured. Read Full Review
Miracolo delivers some stunning visuals in the issue. The story has a lot of action and Miracolo manages to capture both the ferocity of war and the visual wonder of the Star Wars universe throughout the pages and panels. Read Full Review
I continue to find a lot to like about Clone Wars era stories and the way there are so many tales to tell there. While I do wish we had less about the core characters for it, it's a given that it will be that with a series like this and Cantwell executes it beautifully here. I really like his take on Obi-Wan from this period and how he was feeling amid everything happening and his distaste, to say the least, for what the Jedi had to be involved in. The framing of this toward the end of his time on Tatooine continues to serve the story well and I'm really enjoying the rotating artists on it, though Miracolo is someone that needs an ongoing Star Wars book right now. Read Full Review
If you are a fan of Obi Wan then I would recommend this if you want to see him in a more reflective period of his life and in the story. Read Full Review
Another chapter in the Book of Ben is done. Each issue of this series acts like puzzle pieces that make up the whole picture of Kenobi. However the picture is only partially completed so far, and readers must wait another month for another piece of the life of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Read Full Review
I love this more of this please
An amazing issue that explores Obi-Wan's perspective early in the war and really nails his characterization. In addition to the great dialog and narration the story is full of action that the artwork captures beautifully. I enjoyed every page and constantly had to pause to admire the art, both the action scenes and the quiet panels.
I don't need a retelling of Revenge of the Sith. Nor do I need thousands of words on the page, either.