Star Wars: Darth Vader #19

Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Guiu Villanova Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 22, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 6
7.3Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

•  In the bowels of Bespin, DARTH VADER told his son he wanted to bring order to the galaxy.
•  Now Vader's promise is put to the test as he leads an unlikely crew of heroes and assassins against the criminal organization known as CRIMSON DAWN.
•  What does "order" mean to a DARK LORD OF THE SITH? How far will he go to fight for it as the depth of Crimson Dawn's infiltration becomes clearer? And what fate awaits the heroes who follow him into battle?

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 29, 2021

    This is a pretty fun installment all around as it again works the Crimson Dawn storyline by starting to peel back some of the top-most layers to see what's really out there and going on. It's not a smooth start since we're getting a few different things thrown at us. I'm not reading Valance's series so I have no idea what he's been up to for a while but it was fun seeing him and his group that he's assigned to work with. And to see Ochi get smacked around a bit, hopefully realizing that he has to earn his position every minute of his life with Vader. Vilanova's artwork is solid enough to work here even as a kind of one-off tale and I suspect with some regular time spent on it they'd grow well on the book. It's got a good look and a mostly solid execution as it works to do more world-building. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bleeding Cool - Hannibal Tabu Jan 3, 2022

    Giving the iconic character so little panel time often turns into mush. Greg Pak's script maintains the threat of Vader in every moment (especially with the fantastic "what'd you expect" callback), and that's very effective. The visual storytelling presented by Guiu Vilanova does its requisite action scenes, moments of quiet terror in Vader's presence, and even the almost-but-not-quite heavy-handed crimson-tinted flashback scenes very well. Vader's path is much like the name of a star destroyer — inexorable — and it's very engaging to see people considered threatening by most scatter-like leaves in his wake. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Patrick Cavanaugh Dec 22, 2021

    Even if just to set up the pieces of the upcoming adventure, this issue was at least relatively engaging. Read Full Review

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