• LANDO and his allies defeated!
• MON MOTHMA faces a painful loss!
• LUKE SKYWALKER must defeat two of the galaxy's deadliest killers to reach his friends!
• MOFF ADELHARD plays a final card against the New Republic - with shocking consequences!
Overall, this is a fantastic lead-in to the final four books of the series. I can't wait to see how it all plays out. Read Full Review
Star Wars: Battle of Jakku Republic Under Siege #4is a solid conclusion to the second act of the larger story as Gallius Rax moves both Imperial and Republic pieces into position in his attempt to fulfill Palpatine's plan for the Empire in the event of his death. Adelhard has been set a wildcard in the larger scheme which should play well into the final chapter of this saga. Read Full Review
I had high hopes for this series, and up to now it hadn't lived up to those expectations. But this issue lived up to those expectations and it's given me hope for the final four issues. It's an action packed issue that really takes the overall story and flips it on it's head. It sets the stage for what is sure to be an explosive final arc. We obviously know the overall outcome, but it's the finer details that are going to be interesting to learn. This is a great issue from start to finish. It is one that you're going to want to pick up and read this week. Read Full Review