Will Doc Ock be successful in his brutal manipulation of naïve cameraman Jeff Brasi – Peter Parker's main rival at the Bugle – or will the plan blow up in his face?
I would enjoy this story a little more if Brian K. Vaughan had made a little more of an effort to explain why Jeffrey Haight is so utterly gullible when it comes to recognizing the idea that perhaps Doctor Octopus might not be the most trustworthy of souls. One also has to wonder about his lack of forward thinking, as I'm sure the police are going to investigate haw the arms made their escape, and even if Jeffrey Haight did get his prized front page photo, at the very least his girlfriend would be rather curious how he managed to accomplish this little trick. Now yes she's also presented as a little gullible in this issue, but she is a police officer, and as such one has to believe she would be able to put it all together. Plus unlike Spider-Man's partnership with Peter Parker, on has to wonder how Jeffrey was planning to explain how he was able to grab such exclusive photos of Doctor Octopus. I mean it's not like villains have a predictable patrol that they embark upon every night in Read Full Review