He is unstoppable. Indestructible. Incorruptible. Immortal. And utterly alone. He is POWER MAN. Ripped from the breakout story in TIMELESS, the god-slaying, Gamma-powered, Iron-Fisted, Sentry from the future Luke Cage arrives in the modern Marvel Universe, only to discover a foe, and a mystery, that will challenge even his incredible abilities! From TIMELESS scribes Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing and artist Bernard Chang, POWER MAN is a guided tour of the solar system that only Marvel Comics could provide!
Rated T+
Bernard Chang does an incredible job with the art in Power Man: Timeless #1 as I think he really brought the story to life. With such a great amount of attention paid to the details, you can really feel the depth he brought to the story. With Chang's drawing talent matched with Marcelo Maiolo's coloring talent, this was sure to be something stunning to look at. I think both of their talents really showed in the fight scenes between Aeon and Power Man. Read Full Review
Overall, Power Man: Timeless #1 is a thrilling and ambitious debut. It reimagines Luke Cage as a cosmic force and sets the stage for an epic adventure. While some questions remain unanswered, the issue effectively hooks readers with its compelling premise and stunning visuals. Read Full Review
While Power Man: Timeless #1 delivers thrilling cosmic action and impressive visuals, it struggles with narrative clarity and emotional stakes. With time, the series could offer a more compelling story, but this debut issue feels a little too detached from the bigger picture to fully hook readers. Read Full Review
For lack of a better term, their approach to worldbuilding here is Al Ewingian. Big ideas with not much explanation, but you somehow dont mind that aspect to it and even enjoy it. A big part of this is Bernard Changs art, which is so grand and almost psychedelic that it really lives up to the space opera vibe Lanzing & Kelly are creating with their story. Its also very manga-esque, calling to mind One-Punch Man particularly. This package shouldnt work, but it kinda does? I can see this Power Man becoming fairly popular if Marvel pushes him as a character worth following, but thatll depend on if the audience shows up for it. Until then, if you like your Marvel weird and cosmic, then you could do worse than Power Man: Timeless #1. Read Full Review
Power Man: Timeless #1 attempts to bring a different version of Luke Cage into the mainline Marvel Universe, but doesn't make much of an effort to actually integrate him in a way that makes this move seem necessary. Read Full Review
Power Man: Timeless #1 brings Power Man of the Future to a version of the Present for a mindless slugfest in space against an impossibly overpowered foe. Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly's paper-thin plot doesn't have enough information to do more than give Power Man a reason to punch things. Well, at least the action art is great. Read Full Review
I read this issue because this Power Man has a great beard. Not enough superheroes have great beards.
Seriously though, I never even noticed the series that this one is based on, and despite a huge info dump on the first few pages, the authors didn't exactly give new readers enough to care. Overall, it's an okay story with okay art. I'm not that much into cosmic heroes and even less so into overpowered heroes, so I probably won't read the next issue.