LOGAN isn't healing the way he used to. Something is wrong - recent fights are leaving their marks, in ways he's never experienced before. Beaten down, Logan goes to the one people he thought he could always count on for help...The X-MEN.
But when an old pupil of Logan's asks for his help, it's Logan's enemies who will learn the hardest lesson: This old dog still has bite.
Parental Advisory
Old Man Logan #39 pulls double duty. Its a great place for new readers to jump into the book and it moves things forward for readers that have been with the title for a while. Globs subplot is the heart of the book and is a nice spotlight for an underused character. Theres something for everyone to love in this issue. Read Full Review
Whether Marvel is getting ready to retire Old Man Logan in favor of the younger model returning or not, this issue continues a trend of high quality entertainment for the series, and is well worth your time and dollar. Read Full Review
Ed Brisson's new story involving the Purifiers had more of classic X-Men story tone that just happens to star Old Man Logan. Brisson adds depth to the main story by giving some strong character moments for Old Man Logan and, X-Men-in-training, Glob. That paired with Ibraim Roberson vibrant artwork made Old Man Logan #40 a fun break from all the dark stories we have seen Logan be involved in during the course of this series. Read Full Review
Ed Brisson's slow-burn script drags its heels a little in establishing a connection between Old Man Logan's check-up and Glob Herman's Big Date. Though concentrating on some younger mutants is a refreshing change, it's hard to predict whether these two storylines are going to link up in a satisfying manner - and frustrating that they're insulated from each other so far. Ibraim Roberson's art delivers some much more concrete value and turns this issue into a feast for the eyes. I really hope the next installment lives up to the gorgeous visuals presented here! Read Full Review
Starting off a new run, Old Man Logan #39 finally gets back to the character's roots with the X-Men, at least a little bit. Read Full Review