Ms. Marvel #8

Writer: G. Willow Wilson Artist: Adrian Alphona Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 10, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 19 User Reviews: 17
9.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

• Kamala crosses paths with Inhumanity for the first time -- by meeting the royal pup, Lockjaw!
•  Every girl wants a puppy, but this one may be too much of a handful, even for a super hero with embiggening powers.
•  He may be the Queen's pooch, but this dog's one royal pain in the neck.
•  And the return of Adrian Alphona!
Rated T+

  • 10
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Sep 15, 2014

    Issue after issue, Ms. Marvel continues to rock, and I'm glad Wilson didn't end the first story-arc with a simple meet and beat. Ms. Marvel needs an arch-villain, and instead of giving her training wheels with a familiar B-level villain who gets dispatched and tossed away, we get a measured conflict that's appropriate. This isn't so much about world domination as it is a localized and immediate threat, and the title's better for it because of the more personal approach. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Sep 10, 2014

    Ms. Marvel #8 is a lot more than the cutesy book that Jamie McKelvie's cover advertises it to be. While filled with adorable moments throughout, Ms. Marvel #8 definitely takes the training wheels off Kamala Kahn's superhero training. G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona and Ian Herring understand that jokes and smiles can only get them so far with this series, and now it is time to start upping the ante for Kamala in a big way. Things will probably get tough for her, and understandably so, but through it all, Kamala will still be the hero that we all know that she can be. That's the very definition of good drama; a worthy character struggling through odds that they might not overcome for the good of all. Ms. Marvel #8 shows us that Kamala Kahn is well on her way to becoming the hero we both need and deserve. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose Sep 12, 2014

    G. Willow Wilson takes a prime logistical concern for Kamala Khan's burgeoning superhero career and transforms it into yet another reason why Ms. Marvel is the most likable heroine in the Marvel Universe. Read Full Review

  • 10 - Alison "Boom" Baumgartner Sep 13, 2014

    In short, the art is great, story is fantastic. It's been eight issues, and ‘Ms. Marvel' shows no signs in slowing down as being the best Marvel book I've read in quite some time. Yet again, I give it Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Nerds Unchained - Magen Cubed Sep 12, 2014

    Artist Adrian Alphona returns to bring Kamalas adventures to the page with his usual imaginative, highly detailed line work and strong sense of storytelling. Together again with colorist Herring's soft palette choices, their collaboration once more yields beautiful results. Alphonas style is simply inviting, with his full rounded organic shapes and the careful detail paid to the movement of Kamalas windswept hair or fluttering scarf, imbuing every panel with a sense of energy. The exaggerated perspective employed throughout action sequences help to encapsulate that sense of energy, as though Kamalas world is as malleable as she is. Sometimes this forced elasticity can lead to some awkward panel compositions, but it works more often than not. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Sep 10, 2014

    Ms. Marvel #8 is a strong start to this new arc, with a lot of great writing and humor. There's not much more to be said about it. Definitely check it out this week. You won't be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Jessica Boyd Sep 13, 2014

    The biggest sell of this book continues to be the youthful voice that is infused into each issue. Wilson has tapped into the best and most genuine voice of a younger generation who wants to make a difference and not just be rewarded for the sake of showing up. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 11, 2014

    Other than an annoyingly vague final page, this is a terrific start to the series' latest story arc. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Sep 15, 2014

    Ms. Marvel #8 is yet another step in the process of Kamala Khan becoming a superhero. She's had her first major battles. She's fought her first killer robot. She's had her first team-up with Wolverine. She's dealt with complicated family issues. Now she has to learn to deal with the larger complications that come along with being a superhero. And this is all in addition to having a new pet in Lockjaw. She's had to deal with a lot in such a brief span, but the manner in which she deals with it is part of what makes her so much fun. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - F.D. White Sep 11, 2014

    Ms. Marvel continues to one of the most fun and compelling books on the stands. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Infinite Comix - Meg Sep 11, 2014

    Readers will be eager to see how Ms. Marvel and her new furry companion will work to overcome the Inventor's plot. Ms. Marvel #8 is on-trend with its preceding stories; readers will absolutely adore Lockjaw and Ms. Marvel even more (if that's possible). Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Sep 10, 2014

    “Ms. Marvel” #8 ends on a big cliffhanger and despite the fact that we can predict where it will go, it still feels right. This is a deeply personal story with a lot of heart and big laughs to keep it light. There's also frequently a lot mentioned about religion (not in an overbearing way) and the youth of today making this one of the best comics out there today. If you're not reading “Ms. Marvel” then do yourself a favor and catch up. This is a classic in the making. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Sep 13, 2014

    Ms. Marvel is the best comic of 2014, hands-down, from any company. Wilson and Alphona take the familiar superhero formula and inject the sort of life into it that every writer dreams about. I'm gushing, I know, but this series deserves to be gushed about. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Herald - Travis Bass Sep 13, 2014

    Ms. Marvel #8 is another fun issue in what is one of Marvel's most enjoyable titles. The only real problem I have with this issue is that the last page could have been a little clearer as to what it meant. This is a minor gripe, as the writing is still fun to read, and the artwork is gorgeous to look at. This issue is certainly a pickup if you have been following this title; and if you haven't, then this issue isn't a bad place to start. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Sep 16, 2014

    Lockjaw is a perfect partner for Kamala, and an adorable one at that. While the plot advances limitedly, Wilson and Alphona provide a great look, perhaps the best, at what makes this series feel special. With a cast of characters you can't help but love and a perfect pairing of subject and artist, Ms. Marvel #8 continues to embiggen Kamala Khan's well deserved footprint in the comics world. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Sep 15, 2014

    G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona and Ian Herring are a dream team, crafting an effortlessly enjoyable superhero coming-of-age comic in "Ms. Marvel." If you're not reading, you're not just missing out on a wonderful series, you may just be missing out on the start of a zeitgeist for comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Oct 21, 2014

    Having been a bit behind on the series, I was looking forward to this issue as I always liked Lockjaw from my previous time with him years ago in other books from a time far, far away. What we get here with him is pretty much a fun time as he settles into living with her for the time being and being a pretty fun addition to her life. The reactions of everyone around her is about what you'd expect, but I love that she just totally adores him and doesn't view him as anything weird. It's completely in character for her. The book does a decent bit of movement in getting us a bit further with the Inventor storyline, but after eight issues of events I'm still not finding it all that interesting. The time with Kamala just learning the ropes and dealing with her struggles are what continues to draw me to the book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We The Nerdy - Randy Z. Ochoa Sep 12, 2014

    Its great to have Alphona back on art duties. His art works very well with the comedic tone of the book. There is a beat where Kamala has to headbutt her adversary, and the sequence of panels that illustrate this is something I think only Alphona could have handled. Lockjaw is going to be a mainstay on this book for the foreseeable future and its important that you get a clear sense of what is going on in that big teleporting head of his. Alphonas art is very expressive and even though Lockjaw cant say much more than ruff, you get an absolute clear message from Lockjaw. I think the only problem does come from Lockjaw, even with Kamalas ability to grow and shrink, there is a wild inconsistency with the size at which Lockjaw is drawn. Hes a larger than life character, literally and figuratively, but at times Kamala towers over him when he cannot have been using her powers. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Sep 12, 2014

    And that "adorable" factor shouldn't be seen as a detraction anyway; it's helped the book to achieve an enormous readership. The first issue achieved an historic sixth printing last month, sales few comic books ever achieve, let alone one starring a geeky teenage Pakistani-American girl. It also gives those of us working at comic shops something we can, in good conscience, hand to a younger female reader who wants a comic starring a superhero she can enjoy, and *gasp* even relate to; and that's a marvelous thing indeed. Read Full Review

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