BLACK PANTHER IS SPIDER-MAN'S ONLY HOPE! Does Miles Morales have what it takes to pass T'Challa's grueling tests in far-away WAKANDA?! And who is web-slinging around New York City masquerading as Spidey in Miles' absence?!
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The Black Panther takes pride in tradition. He is acutely aware that he no longer belongs in his community. While TChalla worries that Wakandas gods will reject Miles, Ganke worries that Shift is taking on more than he can handle in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #27. Read Full Review
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #27 is the type of bold swing that creators should strive for. Read Full Review
The art in this issue is lovely, just like in previous issues. I enjoy a lot of the action sequences that are in it. Especially when Miles is trying to pass some of the tests, while Black Panther is observing and watching. Readers really are rooting for Miles to step up with his powers. They want him to believe in himself that he can do it. I hope there are more "tests that help Miles strengthen where he is, and make him better. Read Full Review