Well, you know, that I love all Marvel Zombies titles before this. But this series is... Not exactly what I want from Marvel Zombies.
The bad sides:
- Earth-616. The advantage of previous series was in the fact, that it was an alternative reality. They could do whatever they want, kill whoever they want, but it did not matter much. Yeah, there was a crossover with the Ultimate universe from the very beginning, I understand, but it was in the Ultimate Fantastic Four series and not in the Marvel Zombies 1-2. Also it was kinda lame, that there were no superhero casualties from ultimate universe. And that's exactly the same situation here. Stakes should get higher, but you understand, that author will be much more careful with his decisions. No one will kill popular characters.
- The other flaw is character roster. There are only nonames. And the reason why: they can be eaten by zombies without any regrets and hesitation from the writer and readers. Also Machine Man and Jocasta aren't my favourite characters too, but they are still a reasonable choice, because they are robots and can't be infected. However, here's the next problem: it's hard to feel bad for characters, that you barely know. So, earth-616 doesn't make this story more interesting. It just ties writer's hands and makes it obviously worse.
- Van Lente's hard-to-read writing style. I really think, that his writing is mostly boring. I hate his Noir X-Men for that exact reason, not only for the stupid and weird decisions. For me he is hard to read, I always want to skip a few pages. That's not a feature of a good comic book.
- It doesn't feels like a continuation of the story. I mean, okay, zombies somehow got to the earth-616 from the nexus portal, but so what? Volume 2 was a direct continuation of a first one. So, what was with those zombies, disappeared at the end of volume 2? I remember their story continued in Marvel Zombies Return (I hope I right), but I hate, that 3rd volume almost have no connection with the second.
And that is just about tastes, but I liked the previous art more. This one is nice too, but I just prefer Sean Phillips' zombies.
The good sides:
- There was more scientific logic put to that virus, it was nice to see. That explains much things, that weren't explained previously.
- Final cliffhanger was nice, but it's still feels stupid for me that zombie Morbius is so reasonable and doesn't eat everyone he sees. What about hunger? How could he restrain it if he feels it?
And that's pretty much all... Can't say much more about it, need to read further. more