Marvel Knights Spider-Man #5

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Frank Cho Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 11, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 10
6.5Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

Doc Ock is on a rampage! With Peter in terrible shape after a vicious encounter with the Vulture, will Spidey have what it takes to defeat Doctor Octopus?

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Aug 15, 2004

    The idea behind a 12-issue plotline which throws the best of Spideys rogues gallery up against him has been compared by many to the recent Hush arc in DCs Batman. Frankly, Im not finding it quite as entertaining in single instalments as that project was, and, on the evidence each 4-issue mini-arc is hardly going to be a self-contained story at all. However, if what Millar has said in interviews is to be believed, it should turn out to be a far more tightly-plotted, complete and satisfying enterprise than Loeb and Lees Batman story turned out to be. So whilst it seems like a cop-out to constantly describe this book as mixed, thats the adjective that Ive got to pick out again: Some bits I like, some I dont, but its never less than compelling reading and that sounds like a fair recommendation to me. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 17, 2004

    Frank Cho is a solid artist, as his characters have a fluid grace to them as the move across the page, and his work is also very impressive when he's delivering the quieter moments, like Mary Jane's admission to Peter that they need to talk about something important. The issue's big action sequence is also worth a mention, as Doctor Octopus' rampage does a great job of conveying the raw power of the character, and Spider-Man's attack is a fantastic visual display. The art also does some lovely work on its backgrounds, from the scene that's set in Central Park, to the scene where Spider-Man twists and turns his way across the rooftops of the city. Read Full Review

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