Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man #31

Writer: Peter David Artist: Pop Mhan Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 0 User Reviews: 1
N/ACritic Rating
7.0User Rating

HOT HOT HEAT!!! Spidey gets caught in the crossfire of the Human Torch AND Pyro! ONE hothead would be rough enough...but TWO? It's Spidey flambé, brought to you by the one-two punch of David and Mhan!!!!

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  • 7.0
    Ultimate Goblin Oct 29, 2021

    First part of the story is total cringe... Why the hell all of the sudden Liz was so angry? And Flash, he's a jerk too. "Way too much" doesn't meen "I don't like Human Torch". Yeah, he actually doesn't, but author could write it much better.

    And if story was nice itself, it wasn't that good to get a green.

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