The alien Cotati murdered him. The Savage Land brought him back. Lord Plunder has returned - with a vastly new perspective! Now united with Shanna the She-Devil in a mystical merging of life energies, Ka-Zar has new abilities, new needs...and new enemies. An ancient evil has surfaced in the Savage Land - one that is rapidly reshaping the forgotten world and its inhabitants. Ka-Zar and Shanna must fight together to protect their home and family! But their son Matthew has plans of his own... Don't miss this spectacular adventure through the lost lands by Zac Thompson more
Every so often there is a new comic book series that just hits all the right spots and takes the reader beyond where they ever expected and just leaves them craving far more, and right now 'Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land' is that series. Great depth of character, gorgeous mood setting artwork that stands apart from all the rest, deep messages about real-world issues, and a bunch of comic book superhero-like fun. Read Full Review
An exciting opening chapter, Ka-Zar: Lord Of The Savage Land #1 is a stellar first issue that reintroduces readers to this world and its characters with engaging lore and earth-shaking action. Read Full Review
Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land is visually stunning, luminous, and delivers on strong pulp fantasy. There's also a scary underbelly to it as Ka-Zar attempts to rediscover himself, but at what cost to his family while danger looms? Read Full Review
Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land #1 isn't at all what fans are expecting, and that's an excellent thing. Gorgeous art complements a thoughtful story that seeks to redefine Ka-Zar for the 21st century. Don't miss out on this under-the-radar miniseries! Read Full Review
KA-ZAR died. Then he was resurrected by the Savage Land. With the new lease on life, he is finding that he has a closer connection to the very land that he and his wife, Shanna, have sworn to protect. While his resurrection has brought him closer to Shanna, it has not done anything to help his relationship with their son, Matthew. Matthew is the typical teenager that every one of us was at one point. He knows more than his parents. And, if they would just listen, everything would work out. Read Full Review
Ka-Zar: Lord Of The Savage Land #1 brings readers up to speed on the Plunder family post resurrection. The characters are well-written albeit hard to like, and the art captures the beauty of the Savage Land through the lens of a flowery garden. Throw in some techno-organic body horror for good measure, and we're off to a promising start. Read Full Review
A strong start to what could end up being a subversive but fun book that questions its heroes and unpacks the history behind their rise. It's a superhero sociology class. Read Full Review
Thompson's story is good, but the art of Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land is undoubtedly fantastic and more than worth the cover price. Read Full Review
It's a decent story with some great artwork that doesn't really leave a lasting impression once you set it down. Is that really such a bad thing? Read Full Review