(Cover Date: November, 1987)
Summary: Justice is working as security at a LA nightclub. He sees a drug deal take place & knocks down the dealer with his shield. He is attacked by the druggie who has super-human strength. He uses a mild dose of his shield to put him down. The drug dealer gives Justice the name & location of his supplier. When the police arrive, the nightclub owner talks them out of arresting Justice. Damon Conquest & Rebecca are on a boat near Catalina. His hitman tells him that Andrew Markham refuses to distribute their merchandise despite his son Peter's insistence. At a hotel, Justice meets with Andrew & shows him the drugs he confiscated. In private, he tells him that his son provided them to the dealer at the nightclub. A woman, who took the drugs, goes crazy & attacks people. Justice knocks her into the pool with his shield. Justice returns to find Andrew dead & Peter barely breathing. Justice goes after the hitman, who turns into a cacodemon. Justice is losing the fight until he remembers the cacodemon gets its power from the earth. He uses his sword against its human-like shadow, causing it to dissolve. Peter accuses Justice of killing his father. Justice is about to kill him, but he sees that his aura is not completely black. Justice tells him that he is the one who killed his father by selling the drugs & knows that he will have to live with that in his conscience. more