Operating in stealth mode with Jim Rhodes, Iron Man has landed in Macau and immersed himself in SOURCE CONTROL - the worst black market of stolen and illegal technology - all in order to organize a backroom buy of THE MANDARIN'S RINGS. It's going to require Tony Stark-level capital and strategy, but SPYMASTER may have a different buyer - and a wicked double cross - at the ready in order to pull the rug out from under Iron Man's boots. It seems someone else is willing to pay top dollar for those rings and is ready to pull them out of Iron Man's dead hands if they have to... THE COBALT MAN.
This issue is easily the most comfortable Iron Man has been yet in its latest arc, and it turns an already-compelling storyline into something extraordinary. Read Full Review
Unzueta delivers some great art in the issue. The tone is dark and beautifully complements the darker elements of the story. Read Full Review
With only two issues left Cantwells pulling out all of the stops, bringing in loads of old Iron Man rogues, putting a new coat of paint, but whos pulling the strings here? Is [redacted] really in charge of Source Control? Or is it something far more dark and menacing? Cantwells really channeling his inner Cold War era Tony stories, and its just a lot more fun because of it. Read Full Review
Iron Man #23 is an example of great storytelling. Each chapter of Cantwells run is full of content and is a meaningful read. The character study of Tony Stark is investing, and the plots are both familiar to classic Iron Man comics and new in the territories being explored... Whilst there are some gripes with the art and some characters, it doesnt damage the brilliance of the story. Read Full Review
Iron Man #23 has a strong script with visuals holding back the more complex elements of the story. Read Full Review
It's a solid if not super-deep character study of Tony Stark spiraling down into obsession in a self-destructive way for about the millionth time. What makes it nigh-great, though, is that it's delivered through the medium of a *superb* (and gorgeously-drawn) heist/spy story. Pace and structure are great, and I really respect the deft balance between narration and dialogue.