Okay, this was dumb... I mean, the comic itself is okay, there wasn't much Man-Thing and the cover is a terrible liar, but it still wasn't bad. Maybe boring a bit, but readable. What's bad here is this new old man villain. Some kinda Plant-Man who created plant-people, which look like normal people all around... And one of these people is Betty... This is such a bullshit. Twist for the sake of the twist, it wasn't really necessary and I didn't like the explanation. Like, he said he saw her in a newspaper or what, that's so dumb... By sheer accident it happened that it was Bruce who found these plant-people and plant-Betty... What the hell? It wasn't even a plan of an old Hulk villain to make Bruce believe that Betty was alive and then make him suffer. The reaction of Bruce was weak as well. I think, if I'd see my dead wife suddenly alive - I would have much more emotions of different sorts, but he seem to almost not care at all and he took it for granted without even questioning everyone else and himself much. He did, but not much, that's my problem with this. So, what was the point of this twist when the potential was 100% wasted? By the way, Tyrannus is still on the scene, which is weird... I think it was already enough of him for this series. But let's see where it'll lead. more