(Cover Date: November, 1987)
Summary: Betty leaves the hospital with Ramon. The note she leaves for Bruce is blown under a cabinet. Hulk has been encased in ice by Iceman. A SHIELD force is on its way to pick up the Hulk. When it arrives, Quartermain stops Saunders from shooting the Hulk with a laser cannon. The Hulk arrives at Gamma Base & breaks out of the ice. The Hulk fights against Doc Samson & X-Factor. The SHIELD Council tells Quartermain that they don't need Banner alive anymore, since they have perfected the gamma bomb. They tell Quartermain to do his duty. After getting knocked out by Samson, the Hulk is held in kinetic bonds. A shadowed figure (Quartermain) is secretly setting bombs around Gamma Base. Agent Trump, Quartermain's second-in-command, orders the SHIELD agents to take out X-Factor & Samson. They fight back. Iceman frees the Hulk from his bonds. The Hulk & X-Factor rout the SHIELD agents & break out to the outside. The sun is rising, & much to the Hulk's dismay, he turns back into Banner. Before Trump & his agents can gun the group down, Quatermain's bombs start to go off. Quartermain picks them up in a van & drives away as Gamma Base is being destroyed. Later, X-Factor leaves in a rental car to go pick up their plane. When Bruce mentions Betty, Quartermain starts to tell him what happened to her. Samson digs out from under the rubble to find Gamma Base has been destroyed. more